Goos Wednesday

Hey all....this is a sunny looking snow(not complaining) I wonder when N.Y.'s luck will run out.....I must say that this is the firsy time in 4 years that I am loving the holidays. Despite mising my family and loved one's pasing away at this time...It really is ok...I am enjoying buying gifts and my tree o much. Wake up MJ! Wake up Doug...Janet...Get crackin' bi-atches(said w/love)Mornon' Lisa...hope you are feeling ok are our hero!! So and out of the rule! Love. Sharonn
Goos Morning Sharon.

Well it is a little after 7 here and I was supposed to be able to sleep in because my kids have no school, its winter vacation. It snowed here yesterday and last night, I live in Arizona and it hardly snows here so the kids were very excited. It didn't snow that much though.

SO how are you doing?
GOOS S...We Jinxed again!!! Im gonna try to delete mine so we can all meet here on yours.
Im so cold!!!!!Yes this time of year has always been hard on me & Im not saying I wont have some ruff patches but,,,,,lately Ive been feeling so blessed & Im realizing what it means to be in the "Spirite of Christmas"
How are you feeling sweetry?
Hey Steph hows things going for you on this HUMPY GOOS????
"The Humpy Goos"...sounds lika a bad rap
Hi mj, It is COOLD here. We hardly ever get snow and it snowed last night. My kids were so excited and one of them told me "its snowing mom, now Santa Clause is coming." I told him not yet he would still have to wait awhile.

I am not even ready for christmas. I have all this baking to do, I hope I get it all done. How are you doing Mj?

Hey Sharonn and gang! I posted on the "hump goos" before i saw you all over here.
Sharonn, I am so happy you are loving the holidays this year. Hopefully, you are pain free, or almost, and feel good. It's so nice to have the spirit and truly get in to this time of year. I love love love it, and despite a few set backs here with sickness and cancelled gatherings, am trying to keep the spirit!
If I don't talk to you again, have a lovely Christmas and know that your loved ones are with you and smiling. :-)
Goos!!..Sharon, MJ, Stephanie and Carol...
Hope you all have a great day!!..

Good morning Sharon,Steph,Mj,Carol& Doug!

Yep...its beginning to look alot like christmas.We had some flurries yesterday and this mornign i had to get out the handy dandy scraper(oh how i hate that!!!)

But this Christmas is such an awesome one for our family,with our new baby grandson,its just sucha happy time.

The lady i take care of told me to take the rest of the day off,im so thrilled,ive had no time to myself.I had made an appointment for Friday for my hair ,eyebrows and nails,instead,now that ive got the time off today,im going to do them all myslef and save myself a hundred bucks!!!So thats the way i'll be spending this day...beautifying...and hating every minute of it,i hate coloring my hair myself,and plucking my own eyebrows,they have to be the worst jobs a woman does,but...that money i'll save will sure come in handy somewhere else.

hope youre all staying warm and enjoying this time of year.~KIM
Thank you for asking Steph,I had to sign off for a sec...sorry
The truth is Im in one of those crazy dorky moods & it feels so great!!!!
I only hope it last!!!
How are you?Are you ready for Christmas?Goodness I tend to shop right up until Christmas Eve.
Every year we go to my grandparents on Christmas Eve & usually its a stressful time for me(I miss my gramps so much)but Im really looking forwards to it this year!!!
Theres a pool table in the basement & I love when me & my girls shoot pool!!!
Of course Christmas day Ill be home & Ill sign on here to check in & see if anyone needs some support.It can be so hard on alot of people & being an addict & feeling alone can make it worse!1
goos morning everyone! I'm so happy to see all of you here.

I just woke up, I've been up every few hours with tummy problems, guess I ate something funky or it's a bug...I hope it's bad food, cause I hate that someone may be sick on the holiday.

We have good's going to be cooler on Christmas day, might be rainy, but I will be happy with temps in the 50's....

I have to make some biscotti and oatmeal cookies today and then I will be totally ready for Christmas...
Alright, I need some advise from all you woman out there...
I am playing a gig tonight and a girl that I am playing with
is buying all of us Christmas gifts..Nothing fancy just simple
gifts..Anyway, I need to but her something and I don't know
what to get her..Any suggestions?..

Hey Turd may I suggest something cute like a beaney baby stuffed animal???They arent too much & girls LOVE stuffed animals???
Doug,i love Bath and Body works...just get a little bag with some lotion,body wash and body spary.Not too expensive,but nice.Every woman loves that stuff and you can never have too much.~KIM
Steph, Carol, Mj, Doug, Janet, Kim (did I get all that ?) lol

Goos Beaners!!!

Carol so glad to hear your Christmas is going well...........It really is a great time of year, when you put all the petty things aside and just simply try to enjoy yourself. :)

Doug- Glad to you see you up and feeling better :) Some folgers coming your way.

Brinagirl- Email coming your way this morning ")

Janet Kim and Steph................So glad to see everyone here this morning.........I love my mornings with my coffee on here.........

Merry Christmas all of you..............Hugs.
Ohhh Kim Bath and Body Works..........

Love it Love it! :)

I just got some of the PearBerry from a friend of mine the lotion and the body wash.............ohhhhhhhhh I love it.

Makes taking a bath so so relaxing.............ahhhhhhhhhhh lol

Kim..Where do I buy that at?...
What is it about this time of year? You think everything is done and remember one more thing...nothing is wrapped well, I'll get that done tomorrow...I did do a hide job on Dylan yesterday, moved all of his stuff except for clothes into another cabinet so he wouldn't find it. I had to because I knew he would be alone in the house for a few hours...I love to see surprise on Xmas morning. I am going to take his MP3 player and put it in several wrapped boxes so he doesn't know what it is right away...
goos, i'm tired and sick, (no particular order)... i hardly got any sleep last night...i'm sitting here yawning one after another. ugh.

jodigirl....We Jinxed AGAIN!!!! I swear we were seperated at birth@!!!!! LOL
Pearberry is that what you said?It sounds so yummy!!!!
I need to get up to Woodstock Ny,theres a lady there that makes all natural body soaps & stuff & she has this Amber oil...Goodness I swear,my 3 alltime favorites are
Opium(the smell like incense)
& light musk....but beings I usually spend any extra cash on the girls Im kinda stuck smelling like.....KITTY!!!! LOL
Doug,most malls have Bath and Body works,and they always have sales,buy 2 get 1 free.My wallet is full of coupons and i buy my mother nd all my sisters that stuff.Thsi year theyve got these little lamps with votive candles,and you pour the liquid fragrance in the top.They work like nothing else ive ever used,they are very strong and smell fantastic!!! Ive got one in every room and every fragrance available.Giving several of them for christmas too.I could look in that store for hours.My husband even got inot smelling the different frangrances for the room freshners.Doug i hope you find one,it is worth it.~KIM

PS~Jody,i really like just about all of them,but right now ive been using the blackraspberry vanilla,they got the shampoo and conditioner to go with the bubble bath and lotions and sprays,its awesome!