
Ill be here till 11 when my beauty gets her time.Though shes feeling better,I left it up to her today.As far as getting extra rest or trying to go.Im still so worried about her.goodness 100Lbs!!!
Anyways,Id be lying if I didnt say it makes me sad to sign on & see NO GOOS.
I thought so many enjoyed it & now it seems to be a thing of the past
hi molly
i am posting back to ya to keep the goos going!
how are you, is anne sick? i must of missed reading here about it if you posted that.
i am getting ready to start my taper off sub, its time. i am so sick of being constipated.
my nerve test revealed that the median and ulnar nerve are weak because of carpal tunnel, my hand is numb 24/7, i am scared because he thinks i might have to have surgery on my wrist and elbow, nervous about pain meds thats all.
i feel like i am falling apart, i have a heel spur too, for which they are making orthotics and i have to wear compression stockings now, it has helped with my ankle and feet swelling and i broke 4 teeth in the las 4months, dentist says diabetes effects my teeth so i have to get going here and get to the dentist to get this broken tooth fixedl
i will be back later tonight, i am gonna work at the nursing home this afternoon,
one of the ladies there needs a perm. so see ya later...God bless you molly and all the rest of the gang. peace! love jewels
Hey Jewels Yes my beauty has been so sick & like any mom I worry.Even though shes 14 I still worry so much about her.
Im sorry to hear about your surgery,but there are NON Narcotic pain relievers they can give in the recovery room.With my last couple surgeries I tried them first as I did NOT want MS but I ended up taking it & yup it opened a flood gate for me.Gosh Ive come so so far since last April.
I did reply to your other post about Sub & I hope it helps.
Thank you as I said to see no Goos really makes me sad....
Talk soon
Love Mols


goos morning.........

have a good day..............

gota get ready for work !

Goos morning (more like afternoon now)

Just wanted to drop in and wish everyone a Happy Friday - just stepped outside and I can smell Spring.....