Goss Saturday(day Before Chrismast Eve Morning)

Good morning everyone,cold rainy dreary day here,but...it could be snow,so im not complaining.I know alot of people want snow fro christmas...im not one of them,lol!

I hope youre all doing well,got your chrsitmas shopping done and have a great time with your families this holiday.

For those of you just starting on this journey of recovery,remember youre giving yourselves and your famiklies the best gift ever.Happy Holidays everybody!~LOVE~KIM
Well Goos to YOU Kimber!!! Yup for me its CRUNCH DAY.See our Christmas starts tomarrow at my gramses house,so ANYTHING I need to pick up I need to do today.
Yup Im actually braving the stores cause as always theres a couple little things(like there always is )that I must get ya know?
I do it EVERY year.Every year I wait till its here to shop...Someday.......I will get it down....
How is it by you?Its kinda rainey here but thankfully not freezing...
Goos morning ladies!

Waiting on coffee...ugh...and trying to wake up. MJ...like you, I also have to go to town...I forgot something when I went shopping yesterday...but I'm going into a local store, not Walmart, I'm not that crazy and I don't care if I pay several dollars more, it's worth it...

I still have to wrap the grandkids stuff, but it shouldn't take me that long.

Kim, I found a store with cuter clothes for us...do you have a CATO where you live? They have nice stuff and it's sized a bit bigger for us that are a little chubby...I bought a really cute outfit there.
Janet YGM I cant believe I cyberly lost one pic!!!! Anyways ...I suppose I should sign off I need to make a phone call(Ya know how GREAT that feels to be able to say that)8+weeks & counting so this Christmas came early for me
Anyways,Im sorry this is a Goos & gone for me but I AM going to be back on later after the hustle & bustle are done
I wish you all a awesome day
Until later dear friends.......
love molly
Morning MJ&Janet,
MJ...ive got some last minute things too,mostly food items for my dinner that i forgot,but i will get them today,and im finally done!!!!!

Janet,ive never heard if that store i will have to look it up nd see if there is one around me somewhere?!?!? In albany(about 45 minutes away) we have several malls,so...if they have one ,it would be worth the trip! Im so glad you found a nice outfit,its so hard these days,lol

Sammy,if youre reading this,i wanted to comment to your reply on the "please read" post,your post of "dance of anger" was amazing to read,i put that link in my favorites and i intend to go read more of what that author has to say...its very interesting and very insighful,i think i could gain alot from it!Thank you for always posting things that help us out in our daily lives.~KIM
That book, Dance of Anger, is such a good one...I used to have a verbal abuse problem, me doing it, and it helped me work through that...

I'm sure they have CATO online...the XL is an XL and their sizes are real sizes...not the 7 that is actually a 9 type....I don't remember them being up north, I live in Louisiana and I've been here so long...I went to their site and the closest they have is New Jersey...I love their watches too...cheap, but cute, cute, cute

(((((((((((((((((((kimber, janet, Molly Bri))))))))))))))))))))))))

Goos morning............

have a nice day today............................

molly.....i have to work today......it should be real slow though...
so i may take a pager out and leave if it is.......

so hope to talk with you today...i know its a busy time...

love thumper

I was up til'' about 5:30 am ...lol. finally got a tree!! i was at the mall at 11 last night. i love when they stay open late.
and was at wal'mart til after 1am. i got a good bit done, still gotta get a few more things for kaylin, my boss, my nephew , and oh yea, my hubby. lol.

I hope ya'll are doing wonderful! my little one spent the night with my husband's mom, and is going to the movies to watch "happy feet" with her today.

Kim, Goss Saturday (LOL) thought it was Goos. Hope everyone has a great one. I just got off work gotta run to the mall and pick my daughter up then finish up some last minute shopping. Ugh! I can't wait to get to finally kick back tonight and enjoy being with my family think we'll play some Uno or packman. Looking forward to the next 2 days off from work. Shantel
Yeah well...you say "goos" i say "goss" (tomato tomata)lets call the whole thing off!LOL

Ive got this new(used)key board and it sucks,i cant get used to it,i have typos by the thousands,and always too lazy to go back and fix....please accept my humblest of apologies,lol~KIM