Got A Sponsor, Very Temporary, This One.

Went to the noon meeting. They were happy and wondered, I just flat out told them I relapsed, lost my way for a bit and now I'm back and trying to do it right. One of the ways was I didn't have a sponsor. By the end of the meeting I had one, she's 78, so we don't have alot in common, I help her walk, we had coffee, but she's lonely I think. Her names Helen, can't say the last name, but we'd get a few chuckles.
I'm not taking a chip until 90 days, also, helen can stay with me for as long as she wants. I just asked for one, I didn't care who. She wanted my cell and home, nosy broad, but I gave it to her. She just left and I have to get Tom, she wants me to call her in like an hour.
See this kind of annoys me. I have to be there and answer questions for kids after school, don't want to have to account to the geriatrics too.

Hi Lis, I['m back. I gotta go. Love you. Sorry for being such a rotten friend, I'll try harder. I'll come on after the boys go to bed. Love, Roe xoxoxoxo
She wanted my cell and home, nosy broad, but I gave it to her.

Do it.Your way hasn't been working so give it a chance.Also,there is no reason for you not to pick up your chips but your ego.Who knows? She could be the best thing that's happend for you.

Love ya
By the end of the meeting I had one, she's 78, so we don't have alot in common, I help her walk, we had coffee, but she's lonely I think.

Congrats on putting yourself out there and getting a sponsor~!

Ditto what Tim said....there is a part in the Big book, contempt prior to investigation....give her a chance and when you call her, pray before hand and try to be open, willing and teachable....

btw, I just turned 43yrs old and my sponsor is going on 78yrs old. We have more in common than I do with most of my friends my might be very
Uhmmmmm....what Tim said and what Stacy said.

Roe, about 90% of the pearls of wisdom that I have thrown out there over the years come from a single woman, sponsor of my wife's sponsor. She is well into her 80s. We are on opposite ends of most opinions, but she is one of the wisest people I have ever met.

Work hard and maybe you will have something in common with her someday. By this I mean your common affliction and your common solution. Hey you might even live to be a geriatric yourself one day!

In the meantime, call her every single day to check in. It is a daily program, so that means call her every day. Either you will hear something from her lips that you need to hear, or you will say something from your lips that you need to hear.

Either way it works if you work it.

Roe, you are off to a great start!

Don't forget to say a little prayer of thanks tonight before you go to bed. You know where to put your slippers before you climb in.

I will be sending a little prayer your way as will my wife.

Take care, let us hear from you tomorrow.

I can't begin to tell you how good it was to talk to you today Roe. I wish though that you would stop beating yourself up. What's done is done and now you move forward. You are doing so great, doing all things that were suggested. You know how I feel about your sponsor so I won't repeat it. But if you disappear like that again, I may not be so understanding...<eg> xxoo
My sponser is 22. I am 48. I go to her for advice and she listens. I look up to her because she has what I want. In addition to a firm recovery program, she has reinvented herself.

She celebrated her 21st birthday in recovery. Her mom had a party for her and alot of the people from the rooms showed up. Her Aunt who didn't know she was in recovery said, "you really have the most diverse group of friends".

There is alot of diversity in age, color, background, education level. I know for me it keeps reminding me that anyone can become an addict. Keep an open mind.
Every sponsor I've had,regardless of age,commonalities,etc. I've learned something from.Also,you're giving back to her as much as you're recieving.What I would like to commend you on is how fast you jumped back in there and got someone.If it's not meant to be,you can always change but for now it may be exactly what you need.
She wanted my cell and home, nosy broad, but I gave it to her.

Of course I have to put my 2 cents in too. Are you kidding me? I would love to have an older woman as my sponsor that took that much interest in me right off the bat. I make my sponsees call me for quite a while to show me their willing before I even get their phone numbers. You need to work on some gratitude. Your way hasn't worked and it's time to try something different and get your priorities straightened out. Your sobriety has to come first and this woman can probably help you more than the kids after school. She's the one you need to answer too first.
I'm not ungrateful, she's just alot to handle. But I spent quite a bit of the day with her and really do like her. She's under 5 ft. and really cute.
My nerves have just been on edge Kat and I don't mean to come off like a smart butt. However, if she doesn't work out, I'll send her to you in a box. Love, Roe
Aw, Roe, I'm willing to bet she thinks you're a lot to handle too.
I make my sponsees call me for quite a while to show me their willing

I still have to check in every morning at 7am with Ms. Katbird, daily. It's part of my daily routine that I have in place to stay clean & sober for another 24hrs.

I too have sponsee's call every day for the first 30 days, even if it's just to say hi, I'm checking in. This helps to set up the instinct to call so when something does happen or the urge to drink/use comes over them, that instead of following that thought, they'll pick up the phone instead....

Give your sponsor some time, I'm sure she'll mellow out after awhile. ~smile~

I think it's great Roe.I bet she hasn't felt this excitied in a long time.And if you're lucky,you'll be a senior citicizen some day.LOL
Ditto what everyone else said and remember what I told you yesterday. Stop future tripping. Take this one day at a time. For today, your new sponsor is working. Period. Did you call her today?