Got My Grandbaby Tonight.

I haven't seen her in 2 weeks. We're having a great time.

She did watch the Fiesta Bowl with me though. We couldn't believe Boise State beat our beloved Sooners.

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She seemed more surprised than me.


No shoes tonight huh?? lol!!

My caption:

WTF grandpa, did you fart?
i am glad you are back posting pictures of your little cutey!!!! your a cutey too hawk!!! jewels
Hawk, Enjoy this time with her.It's a great feeling isn't it? Cute picture by the way. My daughter asked us to take the grandbabies for the weekend but me and hubby are not feeling so well tonight maybe tomorrow we will feel well enough to have them for one night. Shantel
Jewels, Are you hitting on Hawk. (LOL) Shantel

It's so good to see you! I can't believe how she's grown, but she still looks exactly like herself. What a bright little face.

ou O...........shantel...........looks like jewels is trying to get on hawk !!!


ha hah haha..........................
good one............

you player.........

shes a doll hawk.............

and you have a sweet face.............

you and her look so cozy on the couch, just chillin...........

Thumper, He is a cutie. Oops meant to say his granddaughter was a cutie. Shantel
Even I think Hawk is cute. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Danny, Beginning to wonder about you. First you like the pink room and now you think Hawk is cute. Just messin with you. Shan.
Hawk,she is too sweet for words!And she has grown sooooooooo much.Its unbelievable how fast they grow.You can tell she loves her grandpa!!! Is that what she calls you...grandpa? My grandchildren call my husband Papa. I had my baby grandson last night,he was an angel.Enjoy every second with your precious angel.~KIM

PS~Everytime you post a pic of your beautiful granddaughter,it makes me want to post one of my precious grandchildren too(hope you dont mind)by the way...what is her name,i cant remember you psoting it before?Heres our Michael Thomas(named after both grandpas)He was sleeping like a little angel!

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Must be Hawks harry legs, Shantel.

Btw hawk, whats up with the shorts in winter thing?
Well ya know, when you got big fire going, you have to go with the shorts.

Thanks for all the compliments. She is a cutie.

Didn't mean to get the guys going, not that there's anything wrong with that.

I hope everyone's having a great weekend.

Danny, Who the hell is Harry? Or did you mean hairy. Shan
Kim, I don't mind at all. I love to see grandbabies.

Her name is Khyla Ann. She also calls me papa. As a matter of fact, if I leave the room, she yells 'PAPA PAPA'. Needless to say, I don't leave the room for long.

Now that I look at the date of that pic, we were watching the Oregon game. She couldn't believe the officiating either.

That also explains the shorts. (and harry legs)

get your minds out of the gutter!!!!! lol
no i am not trying to hit on hawk...
i can window shop but not buy right?
cute grandson kim, he is so precious
khlyla is beautiful!
Jewels, I gotta couple of grandbabies you could borrow. Trust me after those 5 in the morning feedings you will be wanting to give them back to me. Shantel
OMG Hawk and Kim...........

What adorable pictures.

Hawk- She is so precious, I love it when you post new pics of her, she is a little angel, love those little bare feet too, My daughter always refused to wear shoes, unless it was ABSOLUTELY necessary :) Keep posting! Hugs.

Kim- Ohhhhhhhhhhh, I dont know what to say, He is gorgeous, I still cannot even look at a newborn without getting that "feeling" lol (you know the one). But I have a boy and a girl, so I think I am all done. I always loved having a baby in the house though, I loved the middle of the night feedings and all of it, believe it or not. My daughter had colic for from 4 weeks to about 10 weeks old, the crying would start at about 10 pm and I would walk the floors with her all night long until around 4 am, and it never bothered me in the least. I was the type of mom who would wake them up in the middle of a nap to hold them, because I just couldnt stand being away from them. Loved it. Now there 4 and 6, and still loving every second of it, hard work, but I dont even notice that part most of the time. To think I used to swear I was NEVER having children. I cant even believe that LOL

You are both so blessed with such beatiful little angels in your lives.


edit to add: Kim what a gorgeous name, Michael Thomas, I love it. Isnt it strange how newborns are born with those gorgeous red little lips, both my children had the same.................My gosh I just want to hold that little guy :)