Got Some Good News! O/t

Most of your know the story of when my mother passed away and I was unable to get any of her things or things from my childhood etc.... stepfather had left her when she got really sick and was divorcing her. She was living with me when she passed. The divorce hadn't gone through yet. He would not let me have anything of hers or mine (like photos) out of the home that I grew up up in. I tried many things to no avail.

It has been almost 3 yrs. and I have come to terms with it after much praying. Well, I got a call the other night from someone who bought his house and they said that there was a big box of pictures left there of my mom, sister, me, etc. growing up and that I could come and get them! I can't believe it!! I thought I would never get to see those again. I'm heading there now to pick it up. I am so grateful today. I am also grateful that I turned this situation over to my Higher Power b/c I truly believe that is what helped get my pictures back!! I just wanted to share some wonderful news for a change!
Wow, Rhonda...that is so cool! My sister has been a practicing Buddhist for about 20 years and whenever I lose something she always says, "All things are impermanent...let it go to the universe and if it is yours it will be returned to you in due time."

So true! I am SO happy for you =)

Peace ~ M&M
That's very nice Rhonda. I'm happy for you.
Thanks everybody! I just got home and there were pics of me and family from babies to graduations to weddings, etc. I am so happy to get to see all these memories again. Today has been a good day!

I almost Dad (whom has not been to visit in a year or more) called and is coming tomorrow to spend the weekend. Can't wait to see him!
It's nice to see some good things happening Rhonda.
I like to go back again and again to photo's etc. so I could share in your joy. it is just so part of our lives. This must be like a xmas present to you or more.
Yes it is like christmas, my bday, and everything in between all rolled up in one!
When we have faith in GOD and we trust him miracles truly do happen...Good for you R,the gifts those come with prayers .....GODBLESS..

i got another gift tonight also, i got my six months of recovery ...and thats because of GOD... peace out...
Congratulations Ganz on the 6 months! Way to go!
thanks you guys huggg .... GODBLESS
pics are priceless. Happy you got them back
I am so glad that you were able to get back all those precious memories. They are really important now that your mother is no longer with you. You can look back and remember all of those special times you had with your family. I hope your visit with your dad goes well. Have a great day and I hope things keep going your way.
Thanks Hilliary and Lisa. They are priceless! It was really great that I got em back the same time my dad came to visit because there are many pics of him and my mom as teenagers, newspaper clippings of him when he was a policeman and firefighter, etc. It was really cool to be able to show my kids all of these things plus some of it i had never seen either!

My visit with my dad went great. It was a very pleasant surprise!

Hope you both are having a nice Memorial Day!
I have been having a wonderful memorial day weekend. Me and my husband are both off, and spending quality time with our children. Been trying to clean up the house but with a one year old running around everywhere it is kind of hard. As soon as I clean up something she comes behind me and takes stuff out and puts stuff all over the floor. I guess it is kind of pointless, but I need to clean one way or another. Also me and my husband are spending time together since our 10th wedding anniversery is on wensday, It has been a rough road but we are both at a point now where we love eachother more now than when we first got married. I am glad the visit with your dad went so well, and you had those pictures to go down memory lane with. I know you are on cloud nine now. I just wanted to thank you for all of your posts and responses. You have a caring attitude and go an extra mile to help new comers and people who want to get of pills. Thanks again.

Have a wonderful afternoon,
Congrats on the upcoming 10 yr. Wedding Anniversary! We will celebrate 16 yrs in July. It's hard to believe. I don't know where all those years went. In some ways it seems like we just got married yestersday, but at the same time it seems like forever ago. How is that? lol!!
I know, right? We've been married 27 years in a couple of weeks and you said it perfectly, Rhonda. We still have lots to say to each other and enjoy the other's company...not bad I guess.

Rhonda, you sound so much better than when you first came back...I'm so glad.

Peace ~ M&M
I remember when all of that happend Rhonda..I remember the tears on the phone when he wouldn't let you have any of that stuff..I am so happy to hear it turned out this way. Very cool.
Mom......27 yrs. Wow! Don't know if we can get that far. lol I am feeling better for the most part about things. Just taking everything in my life one day at a time and trying to not obssess about what will happen tomorrow. Thanks for your support!

I know Lisa....never thought it would happen. I still didn't not get many of the things, but I'll take the pictures over any of it any day!
That is the right idea: One day at a time. It really is amazing though, ever since I got clean it is like we first met all over agian. We are just so happy. We are talking and learning new things about eachother all of the time. I am so lucky that I found someone to stick with me until I was better, and I will never be able to repay him for that. Congrats on 16yrs. That is amazing. Thank you for all of your posts it really has helped me alot and I am sure other.

Talk to you later,