
Hey buddy,
Saw you were here and wanted to see how you are doing. I have a few questions if you don't mind. How long have you been on sub and what did you start at? I saw that you were down to 2mg and wondered how you were feeling. I've heard dropping to 2mg could be a little rough.
You sound great.


My first day when we were finding the right dose I felt great on 4mg and didn't need anymore.But remember I had weaned myself down to 2-4 percocets a day. After a week on 4mg I went down to 3mg. Today I started taking just one 2mg pill and feel great. I thought it may be tough but to my suprise it wasn't. I was a little naseus (spelling?) over the weekend but it was because I had a virus that I caught from my daughter. I thought it may be the Suboxone but spoke with my doc and it wasn't. I will be on 2mg until next Wed. where I will go down to 1mg. Then 1/2 for another week and I am done. I have been able to sleep, function everyday and feel like I did before I ever got into taking pain meds.

Last night I took my wife and daughter out to dinner and then we went to see Disney on Ice. It was a great evening and had been awhile since I had the motivation to get out of the house and off the couch. It was QUALITY TIME and we all enjoyed it! Seeing my daughter smile and enjoy being with her parents who were both happy almost made my knees buckle....

I know you are doing well yourself, let me know if you have any other questions. I am home on disablity till March!
so glad to hear this, I am so proud and excited for you. Sounds like you're doing the work. Familt time really helps doesn't it?
I'm home during the day so I'll look for you.

Take care
Hey Redd, How are you doing with your use of sub? I think you said you started at 8mg and went down to 6mg. It sounds like Gotta was smart to taper down so much. I'm not going to have the time to taper down so low before I start so I think I'll need a larger dose to begin. How many percs were you taking before you started the sub? I just want to gauge my own situation.
LuvSlimJims...Just remember everyone responds differently. Let your body tell you what the right dose is.
hey luv,
my DOC was oxy and vic. I was taking up to 20 to 25 vics daily and oxy when I could get them, oxy were pricey. I did not taper,that never worked for me, they would just call my name. I went into the doctor 36 hours clean. Yes, I did start at 8mg for 2 weeks and then to 6mg. I went to 4mg on Monday on my own. I went back to 6 today because my doctor had not told me to drop yet. I want everything to get better fast and realized that I can not push myself like that. It is very important to listen to your doctor and there is a reason he did not want me at 4 yet. I see him on friday and will follow his directions. I had to check myself, here I am telling people time takes time and not taking my own advice. I am 3 weeks clean today and feel good. I had a goal of when to be off sub, but put that to the side and do as my doctor says. As addicts I think we want what we want when we want it. I have to change my way of thinking in alot of areas.

Anyway, did I answer your questions? Let me know if there is anything else, I'll be here for about an hour.

Redd...Listen to you doctor! We all want things to happen quicker but it takes time and patience. You have made tremendous strides and while people on this board may be bashing Sub. a bit, it has done a great deal for you and I. So keep the faith brother!
Redd hey you how is/was your energy level through this?Did you have more on 8mg 6mg?now.By the way Im very proud of you even though we never met....mj
Slimjim, GHF is right let your body tell you. There was a couple at my sub doctors office, the guy took 100 percs a day and the wife took 20. The wife needed 16mg to stabilize and the guy only needed 4mg. You would think its the other way around but its not.
The first few days are an experiment.

Good luck

Thanks and you are right, I had to check myself and will follow the doctors ddirection to the letter.

No energy drop at all. I really believe I can do this, thanks ffor the encouragement and I am just as proud of you.

I think we share the same brain on sub after reading Bobs thread.

To everyone,
I"m so sick of defending my chosen method of recovery. I went to post on that thread and just said to hell with it.

Gotta go to work, have a good one, see ya' tomorrow

Redd have a goodnite and I'm proud of you also.Talk to you tomarrow....mj