Graduated From Darvacett To Vicodin

Hi everyone. Has anybody ever went from one pain pill to another. I have all my life taken some pill for something or the other. I was taking Darvacett for 10 years for arthritus, at least that was what I was telling everyone. I', definately psychologically addicted to pain pills. I'm terrified of getting off. I'm now taking Vicodin for knee pain. I work full time in the mental health field. I' well aware of the addiction I have. Many of my client's are physically and mentally addicted. I started to wean myself off the Vicodin 10mg I take five a day. The Dr told me I was consuming too many. Of course I told him I'm in extreme pain, I had to justify it someway. Anyway I have been on a medical/disability for 8 weeks now and looks like I will be on one for another 4 weeks. I feel like I'm going crazy. I do see a psychiatrist and therapist once a month. My son died 5 years ago and I needed to see someone. I want to get a grip on my addiction but can't seem to. It all in my head. I think I need a pill for everything. I get excited and look at the clock to see when 3 or 3 hours have gonr by so I can take my next pill. Its a crazy life.I drive on my job and I got in a minor accident and they gave me a drug/urine test, they found out I had opiates in my system. I had to get a letter from my Dr stating I needed Darvacett for pain and I was physically and mentally able to work. I guess the Dr's excuse supercedes everything else. Can anyone suggest anything I can do to release this mental anguish? I lie to the Dr when in reality I'm not in any kind of extreme pain just to get the pills. At this point I need pills just to feel normal, no more highs. Thanks
Hi there

Welcome to the board..
Im so sorry to hear of your loss. I can't even fathom what that kind of loss would feel like.

Its isnt however all in your head..there is a real physiological reaction in the brain from chronic narcotic use, and the brain needs time to rewire once the narcotic is removed...

Some here will describe it as a disease, others won't..fact remains, you have a problem with self medicating, and just recognizing that as a problem is the first cant do anything unless you admit it is a problem..

I would take some time and really go through this website, read some of the success stories on the success thread section..

Some people here have stopped by getting involved with twelve step meetings, some have stopped by tapering, some by cold turkey/ counselling with an addiction therapist...this site runs the whole gamut...

Find the way that makes sense for you...and keep posting here, sharing your progress...

Again welcome to the site and congratulations on the very first step in fixing the problem...admitting you have one..



Thanks you for the support. That is a good idea about reading all the posts. Thanks
I think that a lot of people are away right now, so many others will reply later..maybe its dinner
Your in the right place...look around and keep your eye on this thread for other support..

