Great Day. Great Karma

Hello Everyone!

Since I am usually on here sharing all of my anxieties and troubles, I thought I would share what a fantastic day I have had.

At 9am I just finished a hugh and profitable business transaction that has been in the works for far too long. Yeah!

I then went to Starbucks and there was nobody in line ahead of me and they actually made my drink in like 2 seconds.

Then I went to see my boss. There has been a lot of BS going on in the office lately. It has all been caused by one person who is a vicious and delirious active oxycotin eater, who I feel cannot seperate fact from fiction. He caused my good friend and co-worker to be asked to leave his job. He lied to the boss and said he was coming to work drunk. That is the pot clling the kettle black. When this happened 1 1/2 weeks ago, I stood up for my friend. I even ratted the guy out and told the boss he frequently drank alcohol at work and that nobody else did. I told him if he did not believe it, to go check his desk. Drama ensued and I decided to transfer to another office. Some time passed and I reconsidered. I told the boss I was staying where I was. He told me that he felt horrible about believing the lies that had been told about my friend. I think he checked the a******'s desk, because now his supply is gone. Boss has figured out the truth. He asked me to talk to my friend about coming back to work. I did not know if he would because he is so POed. But...I happened to already have lunch plans with him so I thought I would give it a shot.

This is the same friend I posted about earlier last week. He has been partying and ended up with a broken arm. I was debating about whether or not I should give him much needed money for X-mas. Well, he has not been partying and I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. At lunch I gave him a X-mas card with some money in it. I talked to him about coming back to work. At first he did not want to, but by the end he decided he would. So I helped him to get his job back and talked him into putting manly pride aside and going back. He did not know that my card contained money.

After lunch we decided to go play slot machines. I never win, but today I won kinda big. It was almost exactly the amount I gave him for X-mas. Weird.

Then I had to go see my primary Dr. Did not have to wait. Haven't seen him since I confessed about drug use. He gave me a hug, so did the nurse. They told me how great I looked and how proud they are of me. That it took courage to come forward with my addiction. We discussed my course of action about getting off the sub. We talked about how we will treat my WD if I have any. Also discussed keeping me accountable in the future if I ever need meds. It went very well. He and I are on the same page, so that must say something about my recovery.

I have had so many bad days, so this is very refreshing. I know many of you are having a hard time right now. Please hear my message: It will get better. Having a day like today gives me so much hope for the future. Gradually, the good days will outweigh the bad, the the great days will start. Life is soooooo much better on this side of addiction.

BTW, I have 8 weeks clean tomorrow! Yippee!

Now if hubby is in a good mood tonight it will be perfect. I think I'm going to run over and pick him up a big dinner from Outback. That oughtta do the trick. I'll be back on in a couple of hours.

Love, Atlas

P.S. I posted this morning and said it was the first day in awhile that I have not had anxiety. That also helped contribute to my good day.
Wahoo Atlas..How long have you had now clean?

(same page, he-he)
Atlas,that is great to hear.Sometimes in the beginning of this journey we get completely clouded with the WD's and feel there is no end in sight,its so hard to believe that things will ever get better.But they do.Im glad you had one of those GOOD days,and there will be more and more,and once they start stringing together,you'll appreciate your clean life even more.Enjoy those feelings and keep them close to you.Take care~KIM
8 weeks clean. That is amazing........Keep doing what you are doing...

Atlas!!!! Thank you so much for your positive post! During these trying holiday times a lot of people are having a hard time. Its absolutely wonderful to hear someone have a fantastic day!! Your enthusiam literally jumps off the page. Gave me a huge ear to ear smile...

Thanks again!!

Here, here......

Thanks everyone.

I have 8 weeks tomorrow.

At 9:30 LOL.

I saw my friend tonight. As I knew he would, he tried to give me back the money. I told him if he did not want it then donate it to a charity. I mean he knows I won almost all of it back anyway. But I did notice a change in his demeanor. Like his old self is coming back. He seemed better at lunch today than he has in the past couple of weeks. But after we settled the money issue he seemed so...relieved. He has to go to the dentist tomorrow for infected wisdom tooth. He was counting on his tiny bartending check. He barely worked and was only expecting $100. But his boss went out of town and did not write his check. At least he can go to the dentist and buy his boy a Christmas gift or something. It feels so good to help someone who needs it. I am glad I am able to.

It is also so nice to have such a positive day. I really needed one. I have had several good days, but not any GREAT days until today. I am happy to be able to share good news. Atlas