Gyac Could Ya Fill Me In

Ummmmmmmmm, is that Prince on your Avatar or Adam Lambert?

Or perhaps an actor from one of the CSI shows?

Trust me next I'm gonna ask Con what's up with hers. I believe it appears to be she's skiing against the US OLympic luge team.

HEY B!!!
LOL.....that is's a clip from his Bleack Sweat music goes it girlie!??!?!
LOL !!! ya, well...I never COULD get the hang of the avatar thing like GYAC...LOL....actually its me drinking a hot chocolate in sub zero temps out here...two hats, ski lol...!!
I was really hard to see's my wtf rabbit for now...:)

oh my...Im getting into this now...had no idea there were so many websites with free avatars...oh...this could be fun....ha ha
Okay I'm sick of being a flying fish dish the dirt how do I get a new ava thingy

I so needed a laugh. Leave it to you three.

I now see one the fiercely talented Prince. A glowing candle without two pairs of earmuffs. Not a lantern mind ya. Oh and yepper a flying fish.

Forever I will stay this lil redheaded imp. I will.