H, Betsy,charmed,marie

Come on girls check in you know how i worry about you all jackie xxxxx
Here i am" big sis iam fine sorry i worried u i was just changing the furniture around in the living room i do that quit often " but this time i told bill i had moved the recliner LOL.... last time he came home from work and after supper he took his paper in the living room and he was so ingrossed in the papper he just atomaticly sat down where he thought the recliner usely is and i forgot to tell him i moved it and i heard a loud thud i peeked around the corner and he was sprawled out on the floor LOL....well at least he had his but to cusion the blow right LOL....anyway how are u doing today jacky i hope all is well' we finely have a sunny day out here still a chill in the air but at least we can see the sun with winter coming we have to enjoy it well we can out here" mom is starting to sleep better i told her to find the happyest picture of her aunt and focus on that' and she said it helped she found a picture of her aunt at the family picnic we had and how happy she was' and the images of her in that chair are slowly fadeing she is remembering the happy times they shared and not thinking of the horrible way she last saw her aunt" thank goodness we were all so worried we thought we were going to lose our mom" anyway please take care i will catch u later . HUGS + LOVE LITTLE H
Good morning H ahh im so pleased about your mum was worried about her and as for bill bless him sorry wish i was there i would of cracked up lol. Im fine hun been buying christmas prezzys for grandson but hey the best prezzy he will ever get his is grandmum well and happy and not on pills. ((hugs)) jackie xxx
Hey Jackie
Hi Hon, how you doing? I hope your are fine. I'm doing pretty good (so far). Hey, girlie, I guess its going to be wonderful to be PILL FREE? this Thanksgiving and then Christmas as well !!!
Isnt it great? For me, alot more money to spend!!!!. I think we will put up the tree the day after Thanksgiving!! It will be so nice. More presents. No pills. it will be a blast!
Dear Little H,

Poor Bill - sprawled on the living room floor, wondering where the recliner disappeared - I couldn't resist a smile.

How are you doing? I'm so glad that your mom is sleeping better and that awful vision of her aunt sitting in the chair is slowly dissipating. You and your family sound very closely knit, and that will be invaluable. Not only for your mom, but for you and your entire family.

If there is anything I can do for you, just ask. I'll be here for you - we all will. I'm thinking about you.

As always, my thoughts and prayers are with you, Little H.

Hi Jackie, it's me..checking in..still not feeling like I should be posting but I am still trying. I don't get off work til 8 p.m. and usually am too tired when I get home to do much more than check email and crash. The morning is my quiet time alone...I get up early and don't start work til 11 a.m. I am off tomorrow and will be around...I am always here reading....and getting support from everyone on this board. This is a lot harder than it should be! xoxo
Marie way to go girl so bloody proud of ya jackie xxx
Betsy hun your doing ok at least your trying thats half the battle. We are here when ever you feel the need to talk, you can always email me hun i would be delighted if you would, (((((((hugs))))))))) cus you need one and so do i lol.
jackie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
HIYA BETSY" please dont mind my spelling it sucks LOL.... anyway i just wanted to say u seem like such a wonderfull careing person PLEASE hang in there betsy i thank god each and every day that i found this post i had checked out other sites just lurking because i was so nerves and inbaressed at first but they always seemed so cold but then i came across this site and found so many people here who cared i mean realy cared so i started posting" back in july i think it was' and there was this dear sweet lady and a few other dear members and that dear lady who i have come to think of as a big sister is jacky she stuck by me through every thing i never felt alone' i have a very careing suportive hubby unless i move his recliner LOL....just kidding" and 2 wonderfull sons and they have always been there and suported me iam very blessed BUT as much as my hubby tried and was there for me bless his heart he did not know anything about addiction' anyway i just wanted to let u know iam clean today because of the kind of support i needed and recieved on this post it saved my life" and if u need support or even just an ear to listen we are here anytime u need us please take care. HUGS + LOVE LITTLE H.
Hi Little H......I have been following your progress from the beginning..I think we joined this site around the same time. I so admire you.....your commitment...your support...your sense of humor for sure....and your extreme kindness to everyone. Thank you for writing to me....we will certainly talk again soon...xoxo
hi girls,
where's marie. she was all over the place for the longest time. tell her we miss seeing her on here. it is great to see all you on here. your post each day is very important to lots of people.

Hi runner how you doing hun?? jackiexx
hi jackie,
i never talked to you much before but i read all your post. i learned much about drug addiction from here. i know you are probably not real proud of how you got your wisdom with drug addictions, but it sure is good to listen to someone who has been their. i need to quit playing around with pain medicine. i get a script of 30 pills. i take them for 20 days or so and get off for 3 weeks then get another script. i use back pain as an excuse to get a little buzz. i know oneday if i keep playing this game i will be taking 10 pills a day and always wondering if i'll have enough to get by. my dr wants to give me 120 so i don't call him so often. that will be my down fall. this site has made me realize what a hell these pills can cause. just wanted you to know i really appreicate what you arre trying to do here.

keep it up
Hi there runner many thx hun maybe you could post more and tell me a little about yourself hun. would love to get to know you untill then take care of yourself jackie xxx
hey jackie,
i want your email. you have much wisdom i need.

Hi hun my wisdom unfortuntly comes at a price and that price is that you use it wisly and get clean jackie xx