Handcuffed -caught

Thank you all for the prayers - they were ANSWERED!

The lieutenant I spoke of is a friend of my husbands. He called and said he instructed his officers to call him first, do not approach. He went personally in an unmarked vehicle and apprehended him. No drugs/paraphenlia were found. He grinded his handcuffs off in a shop behind someones home that was left open.

He is atleast safe. The correctional facility in our area has a 9 month program for rehabilitation and education, so now we pray that the judge sentences him to the program. State funded 14 day rehab will not fly!

"justonemore", I have read your postings and you tend to try and find humor in all situations (that's is a postive thing). I was attempting to do the same with MardiGras comment.

His father cried on the way home when the lieutentant called and said I never thought I would be so happy to see my son go to jail.

Thank all of you soooooo much.....This website does work Miracles!

cherise, i hope you, your husband and family find some measure of peace. somehow or another, please let your husband know that as a father i feel for him. my 24 year old son was arrested before he detoxed and i really hoped they would hold him there in jail. but the jail was full and they wanted to release him to me. i ended up getting the coroner out of bed early in the morning hours to sign an order declaring him a threat to himself and others so that i could get him admitted to a country town mental health facility and detoxed (it was a little mental health unit of a country hospital -- basically a mobil home office behind the little hospital -- but it worked). he stayed there a week, then entered a halfway house -- he's been living there since the week before christmas. for the first time, after more than a month, he's scheduling counseling for himself and "aftercare" for himself -- and seeking a AA sponsor, etc. But he's got a long road ahead of him.

let's protect and preserve ourselves somehow . . . . . but keep the faith and hope. i know your husband is experiencing some relief. and his son is safe, but will be in a position to think and make some decisions for himself (whatever those decisons might be -- at least he has some chance even if it's in jail; while using he has no chance). god, i wish there was another easier way.
You never seem to amaze any of us. You have dealt/and are dealing with your own pain and still you share you infinite wisdom and words of encouragement!
Thank you and I do believe that everytime I read what you post to my husband he grows strong. Thank you and everyone again.

Cherise.............I will keep everyone posted and we will pray for all children and their families dealing with this monster.