Happy Birthday Stephy !!



i am so thankful that i met you and i enjoy talking to you and i am greatful to have you in my life..........

God Bless you........
thank you for helping me with my pictures honey.......

your smart.....
and i love you sis.........

Aww, thank you so much Thumper, I was very glad to help you with your pics.

Well My husband forgot to tell me Happy Birthday as well as my kids, my sister and her son called me and they sang me happy birthday and when I told her she was the only one she went around calling people to remind them. I know that she didn't want me to get my feelings hurt because they forgot, but I want people to tell me because they remembered it was my birthday.

I guess I just expect people to remember because I always remember theirs. Oh well, maybe one day they will.

Happy Birthday Stephanie.

I am sorry to hear about your pregnancy. What a horrible thing to happen any time of the year, let alone the day before your birthday! I had a miscarriage when I was 25 years old after having my daughter at 17. I was only about 9 weeks along but I remember the pain like it was yesturday. I went on to have my son and another daughter. However, it was very sad and shocking. I locked myself in my room all day and cried. As time went on it got easier. So hang in there. You are young and if you want more children than I am sure you will be able to have more.

Now about your birthday. I used to get mad when people would forget. As I got older, I just realized everyone is not going to remember my birthday. So now I call people a week in a advance. I start telling people my birthday is coming up, let's go do this or that. Or I need this or that for my birthday. LOL Tell me that's not rude?

Then on the actual day, I will call friends and wait for them to say something. If they dont I will say " dang don't you have something to tell me"? That always makes them feel bad. hahaha Or I will bust out and sing " Happy Birthday to me, Happy to me"..

I used to celebrate my birthday the entire month of October but now it's just another year older. You'll know what I mean in about 10 years. Your still young!

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Stephanie
Happy Birthday to you
and many more!!

Happy Birthday Steph!!! I know how you feel, everyone in my family forgets, plus when you are bordering on ancient you don't want to be reminded...lol...I've even stopped making a birthday cake, so it's just another day...

I hope that you have a better birthday this evening

Happy Birthday Stephanie!! Yippeeee!!!!

I hope you are feeling better...now go put your feet up and relax!
Stephanie Happy Birthday. When you get older trust me you wish they never come.

I am sorry about the miscarriage. But Like Rae said time helps.

I am always amazed at what woman go through. My Mom after partying with me for 23 hrs?her next child my sister was a near Miscarriage then her third was 8 months died inside her and they had my Brother who was also a bunch of problems but lived. She had to have a hysterectomy after my brother.

Stephanie go do something nice for STEPH--



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Happy Birthday Stephanie. Trust me you are not the only mom that their children have forgotten to say Happy Birthday to. I guess my children just figure I'm over the hill so why bother (LOL). Hope you have a great one. Shantel
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Stephy
Happy birthday to you

Hip hip hooray

God must have smiled the day YOU were born,

Happy Birthday sweet girl..


user posted image

baby girl............hope your day was filled with LOVE......

God Bless you my dear friend.................

hope you have a wonderful happy 2007...........

Thank you Thumper, Carol, Rae, Janet, Kee Kee, Jeff, Jewls, SHantell, Wendy, and Ali. I really appreciate it.

Well I had a party and there was lots of people here. We all played my Kareoke game and my cousins barely left. They really got into the game. I had a good party. My mom gave me money to buy pizza and a cake so I didn't have to make one. I think it would have tasted better if I made it though.

Everything was going good until my 4 year old thought it would be funny if he peed in his room, so then the kids room was off limits and they were all in the livingroom going crazy. I got some cool presents though which I wasn't expecting. My son barely went to bed so I am wondering how the morning is going to go. I have been getting up late as it is and I don't even know why. I just can't seem to wake up like i used to.


I am sad about it and sometimes I want to cry, but I haven't, well I did the day it happened. It actually happened 2 days before my birthday and it was a sad day already because that is the day my nana died when I was 12. I think that because I wasn't too far along I didn't get the chance to become too attached. The wierd thing is that when I found out I was pregnant it didn't feel right, like I almost knew something was going to go wrong. I told my husband not to tell everyone, but he was so excited that he did and now he has to tell everyone that I am not.

I was thinking about calling people and telling them "is there something you want to tell me?" I know if I would have then they would have remembered. But instead I just told them I was having me a birthday party and then they told me happy birthday. I know I shouldn't be so sensitive about it but I guess I just thought they could atleast remember my birthday since I always remember theres. But I have always been good about remembering birthdays and numbers. My husband forgot to tell me happy birthday and I told him I was mad and he couldn't figure out why, when it finally clicked he was all "I was just joking" trying to play it off. He is a man thought and we all know how good they are about remembering things right?

Again thank you all for the birthday wishes and all the support you have been giving me. It really helps me.

(((((((((((((((((((HUGS to ALL of you))))))))))))))))))))

EDIT: Hi thumper, Thanks for all your pretty pictures, they always cheer me up.
Steph! I am so sorry honey...sheesh sometimes I really am "out of the loop". I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am honey....I have never personally had a miscarriage...but know the feeling of "loss" only all to well.

Isn't that amazing how you said that you just didn't feel right. Man nature has away with things that I will never understand. Please take care of yourself ok...I am saying a prayer for you and your family!

Big tight hugs...kee kee
hey steph wishing u a happy bday!!! eat a nice big slice of cake for me!!!!! :) take care