Happy Canada Day To All Fellow Canadians

Enjoy your day. Please be careful

What is Canada day? Is it the same day as the 4th of July here? Independance Day?

Independant of England...<eg>
Canada's Birthday
Cowgirl, Please tell me you're not THAT clueless about CANADA! We live right next door. I was watching Nancy Grace the other night (I don't know why, I can only handle about 5 minutes of her before I have to change the channel) and one of her guests said the measurement of something in metres and she had a fit, telling the person to speak in English! By the way, the metric system is so much easier to use because it's based on units of ten. I just hope you're not that ignorant about us as we do help you people out quite a bit. My 2 cents from a proud Canadian, Mike.
Oh for crying out loud..I was trying to be funny. I love my Canadian friends.