Becoming a father is easy enough, but being one can be rough. On top of being a provider, protector and playmate, it is a father's job to be strong, but gentle; decisive, but fair; a friend, but still be boss. It is also a father's responsibility to see his children learn to use their abilities to the fullest. But the most important job any father can do for his children it to love their mother.
In the old days, fathers just paid bills and doled out punishments; now they give out discipline and love. Seeing a child do some serious mischief, Plato went and reprimanded the father for it. Then, as now, the ideal father enforced his rules by the credit of his life. However, the child you can do the least with often does the most to make you proud. ....Just wait until your father gets home!
To love one's sons and daughters; to carry in one's bones and blood pride in them, a longing for their growth and development, is not enough. Effective fathering today dictates that you tag along on their adventures and outings. But that should be no problem, as hidden inside every father is a child who wants to play. It is an unwritten rule that children have every toy their father ever wanted.
To his children, a father is a combination of Superman and Santa Claus. As one small child put it, Daddy could climb the highest mountain and swim the biggest ocean; fly the fastest plane and fight the strongest tiger; build a castle and be king, even though most of the time he just put out the garbage! Fathers are imposing no matter what size they come in. They also pay off the tooth fairy.
It is an unusual child who unreservedly approves of it's father. By the time you realize the old man was usually right, you have children of your own who think you're usually wrong. But every generation revolts against it's fathers, and makes friends of it's grandfathers. Of course Grandfathers are dads, too, only grandfathers know lots of riddles and teach you neat things like how to fish and whistle.
In addition to a chair of his own, a father has special skills that also come in handy. For example, it is very important that a father be properly dressed to meet his children's friends and be discreet when he asks questions about what they call a reasonable time to be in and how long they've had their driver's licenses. But a truly great father has a knack for enduring the loudest music known to man.
Fathers help children grow up, but it's their dad who gives them roots and wings and giant steps to follow. A dad who reminds you that an enthusiastic smile will last a lifetime. And a dad who praises you even if he has to stretch it a bit. A dad is for being there....and you all are. I hope you listen and you care. Being a dad is one of the the things you should do best in this life.