Happy Holidays

I sincerely hope everyone here has a happy holiday season.

I hope that those that are in early stages of being clean achieve success.

I hope that those that are clean, remain clean.

I hope that those that are not clean, achieve their goal.

I appreciate the help I've recieved and hope I can help someone else.

I hope and pray that if any of you get a gift you weren't expecting (even if you don't like it), this be your reaction.

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Take care everyone and have a great holiday season.

Nice post and what an ADORABLE little baby granddaughter. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thanks Atlas

And Merry Christmas to you and yours.
What a cutie pie, Hawk!
She's the reason for the season.
Hope your family has a wonderful time over the holidays.
Hawk, Great pic & Happy Holidays to you to. Hubby just took our grandbabies home they were here for the weekend. Shantel
Hey Hawk, Hope your doing ok, it's been awhile since I've been here. I haven't done anything stupid. I did turn my ankle pretty well, Doc prescribed Lortabs, It had been 1.5 years, didn't do anything for me, I surely didn't want to go where I was a couple of years ago. Scarey!!!!

Take care!

Hi Charlie

Great to hear from you! Sorry about your ankle. I'm glad you're doing well.

I'm 20 months clean. Never felt better. My dentist did call in a script for 20 lortabs last summer when I had a bad toothache. She told me I'd lose the tooth anyway so I opted to not pick up the prescription. Just got the tooth pulled instead. Luckily it was a back molar so no harm done.

I don't come on the board very often either so I'm really glad to hear you're doing well.

Take care
Merry Christmas Hawk........... :)

She is truly a beauty. Gorgeous.
Thanks javagirl

Merry Christmas to you too.

She is a beauty and she's more fun every day.

Thank you.......

And you are now clean to enjoy every single minute with her........


You are amazing.


Javagirl, you're too kind.

Amazing? No.

A clean and sober grandpa? Yes.

I simply found a better way to enjoy life. When you quit taking pills, life does get better. So much better.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season.

Well the fact that you found your way and are so happy now.................Is amazing.

You story has always been very inspiring to me........

Have a good night :-)

I am happy. I'm also happy that I've inspired someone. Since April 2004, I've been inspired from everyone here. Otherwise, I don't think I'd have kept coming back.

This is a great site. Although I don't post often, the people here are amazing.

I've always been welcomed with open arms and I've always received great advice. Besides advice, I've always received encouragement. To me its been the difference between using and being clean.

This is how a sweet grandbaby looks when her grandpa tries to steal her binky:

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I sincerely hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season.

awww...........how precious.......
God Bless you and your family........

the love you have for your lil baby girl....is just beautiful and so is she....

your a wonderful grandfather

merry christmas

Thanks THUMPERlove

I really appreciate your kindness. You've always been so nice to me.

God bless you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday.

She was pretty happy when I gave her an early Christmas present though.

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Hawk, it looks like shes trying to steal your binky, lol

Happy Holidays to you too
You're right JohnDee

All she has to do is look at me and she gets anything she wants. (even my binky).

Being clean makes life so much better. If anyone reading this and is still using, give it a shot. Even if you don't have a wonderful grandbaby, being clean is the way to go. I feel 1000% better than I did when I was using.

Do it for yourself. If your in wd's, they will pass. It's so worth it.

Take care and Happy Holidays