Happy One Year, Rachel...

HEY! Good morning, and congrats on a year!!!!
Thank you for all of your sound advice....you are a true inspiration to me and you work a good strong program. I am proud to know you....user posted image
Can I get a whoop whoop for Rachel..!!!!
ha ha..
Wow! Congratulations. How did you do it? How does it feel?

Happy Birthday.

Way to go Rachel! This is such great news today! You offer so much sound support, advice and compassion to the rest of us here on the forum. We are all better off for your wisdom and kindness, and I just want to wish you all the best as you continue along with your recovery journey.

Hey, I had to change my avatar for you (sorry Carol). Also, enjoy a slice of cake:

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Congratulations, Rachel! Thanks for your consistent friendship and always sound counsel. You're what recovery is all about. None
Congradulations! WHoop WHoop! Thank you for all of the wonderful advice you have given! How does it feel to be one year clean. That's amazing.
With Love
Rachel! Others have said it, I second it........your work a consistent, dedicated program sucessfully. You offer logical, compassionate advice. You inspire us all with your story and your journey back to sobriety. Thank you. I am proud to be your friend.

Love, Carol
Wow...congradualtions on your year. You do work a steady, honest program and I am so lucky and grateful to call you my friend.

So what are you going to do to celebrate?


Let me guess what you are doing to celebrate.........going shopping?

Going to the spa?

You should do both! You deserve to do all your favorite things today!

Whoop whoop for Rachel!

You have a great head on those shoulders Rachel, I always enjoy your posts. I'm so glad you are a part of this board.

Have a great day, maybe Ashton will pop in to help celebrate!

Congratulations Rachel!
Wishing you nothing but the best.......
Great work! Happy One Year! God Bless You and Yours...............Jessica
Thank you guys. This board is an integral part of my recovery. Thanks for always being there for me...

Sorry Im alittle late Mind Farts today.I just want to say great job 1 year is something to really cheer about,I hope you go & do something great for yourself you deserve it & keep up the great work.You can inspirer...mj
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wowsa! what a great big dose of hope you give me, rachel.

congratulations on your one year of sobriety.

what a gift it is to me to journey with you.

thank you for you!


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This woman has given me the courage and strength to go after my recovery with complete honesty and hope, and is a perfect example of one addict helping another. Congratulations Rachel on one year. Thank you for your friendship.

Congrats on 1 year!! You have been such an important part of this board, and we are SO lucky to have all of your input. I read this board everyday and pick the good, and leave the bad... you my friend, are a wonderful person who's posts are filled with hope, love and understanding for all who suffer. Keep up the good work! Fellowship can't keep us sober.... it's the work that does!!!
Sending you a (((((hug)))) Bee
Congrats Rachel,

What an accomplishment. You give so much hope and inspiration to everyone here. Keep up the good work.

God bless,


Congrats on one year. Thats so great. You have also been someone I admire and look up to when it comes to recovery. You have worked a solid plan. You have also helped me to understand that recovery doesn't come to you...You have to go out and work for it. Thanks for being you.

Love ya
