Happy Tuesday Morning

Well, it's fairly late (little haha) here in Greenville, SC, 5:45, and I'm on my first cup of coffee so I'm typing in my sleep.
Been out barefoot to gather egges - NOT!

It's going to be a beautiful Tuesday morning - approx. 70 degress to climb to the hot temps of 89. We can take it - just like we take those snowy winters - we stay inside and hide.

Where is the snow? We got about 10 in (exaggeration) of ice last Winter but very little snow. When I was growing up, we got snow every year.
I miss it.

Hope e'one is very well today.
Jewels - hope you're pain is better.
Michelle, when's the cast coming off? Did you try the coathanger?
Denae - e'one back in school and you on the sofa eating bons bons - jk
looks like what I've been doing - think it's up to about 25 lbs.
I need to lose now - Still,scared to weigh.
Gina - I think you like Johnny Depp - haha
Roe, so sweet of your post yesterday - will never forget it.
Sharonn - come back out - just vent, we are happy to listen, want you feeling
Rhonda - you will feel much tougher today and I am so happy for you.
MJ - Hope you are feeling better.
Elvis - Hope you are in a better place today.
Jr. fellow fan - Didn't you just hate when his engine blew and he was in 5th
place??? DARN!

E'one else - sorry I can't remember all names - have a happy, fun day, it's not Monday anymore.

Love to all,
Becky....You are just a sweetheart. I hope the divorce is going as well as one can go and the moving. I just wish this was aug 9th (which is my consultation) better yet my second appoinment. I just want to get on with it now that i've come clean with my husband. Today is our 14th wedding anniversary and guess what i'm doing? Taking my mom to Little Rock to her doctors. that's a 4 hour drive round trip. I told her i was going to a specialist and she might ought to look into it. That will never happen b/c she has true chronic pain although she over medicates!!!

Anyway, good morning Becky and michelle, jewels, roe, callie, catherine, Lisa (should be home today), and everybody else.

Does anybody know what happened to Jackie? She was tappering and I believe got upset bout some of the advice she got. just been worried bout her.
Becky Thank you for thinking of me.Im hanging in there & staying accountable.Meaning My BF is holding the Oxys & leaves me just enough to keep the pain at bay.

Wow 70 its suppose to get REAL HOT here in NY 90+ by Thursday but thankfully theres a pool in the back yard & it kinda gives me & my oldest some one on one time.

I know Im so over due to write you a nice long letter,alot of things happening here.I am doing alot of research & things I need to do for my family (which Ill explain in a letter)Ok.

Hope you all have a nice day.Right now its not too bad here.Mollyjean(my baby)is laying in the window to catch a morning breeze.SHE LOVES that I no longer work.Spoiled kitty of mine!!!

Hey Becky,

To sum it up nicely, the cast SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm taking it off tomorrow. I thought I could hold out until Friday, but I can't. LOL Its itchy, dirty and I can't stand not being able to get in the pool. Its loose enough that if I pull real hard it should slip off. Should. LOL

How are you today? I owe you an email, but I'm sure you know by now how terrible I am with emails. LOL
