Hard Times Ahead

Well mom comes home tommorrow and now the hard part begins. I have her set up for out patient program beginning on March 15 thats a long way away.Hopefully I can convince her to go to a meeting here in town but she is not social at all never has been and doen't want to be any ideas on how to convince her to go she needs to be around people who understand what she is going through. Wish me luck! Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
Wish I had a daughter like you..you're awesome.

Find a meeting that isn't closed (means no guests or children) and tell her you'll go with her for the first few times until she is comfortable. Hopefully she'll meet someone there she can relate too and will help her get a sponser. This is a tough burden for you to bear...she needs an AA sponser who will kick her butt.

Good luck, am so very proud of all that you're doing for your Mom. Hope she realizes how lucky she truely is. Not everyone has understanding, supportive family members to help them...

You could also get her to read a few of the posts on this board too...
Thanks great ideas will definetly try!
as always,cowgirl has said it all.i wish you the best of luck!