
there is a law of sowing and reaping. but it lies on the world not like a judgment but a promise. it is the law of creativity. and it says, sow and you shall reap. but you shall sow what is yours to sow, that you may reap what is life's to give. for the seed is in your hand, but the harvest is in life's hand.

sow a thought, and reap a revelation. sow a hope, and reap a miracle. sow a dream, and reap a new life for yourself and perhaps for all the world.

inspired by love, we sow generously and reap abundantly...

sweet Spirit,

from the deep place where we are One: we sow seeds of love and joy into the universe. we share laughter and tears, ecstasy and sorrow without reservation. we are open to experience and participate in living.

we are loving and we are loved. we are blessed and we are a blessing. we sow from the substance that has been given us, and we reap the harvest of All that is.

thank You very much.


user posted image

Very nice. Might be a good one to copy for the Thanksgiving blessing. It's my turn this year.

How's all your aches and pains, Sam?

you are loving
you are loved
you are love

i've been thinking about you
good to see you