Has Anyone Heard From Redd?

Just curious how our new mom is doing.
Hi, Janet..hey there's a guy named Darien that could use a little
"Janet" right about now.
P.s. Britt posted today and put in a little thank you for you..I told her
you're my funny friend. Hope the boys are all well and your grandbaby
and stepdaughter. We're fine on this end..keep your fingers crossed.she
is struggling hard with cravings as the days go by.
luv corrinne
what post corrinne?
I think she titled it "Heartache's daughter saying thank you."
She was in for a visit and wanted to pop on. it was cute and heartwarming. I explained to her the people who had prayed for her and who was who..and she put on a little post.
I posted to Darien. I will look for her post.
Give her a little reply..she waited around for my friends to pop on
but you guys weren't around this morning. I told her I'd print them out.
She loved hearing from wiverson and Bri..made her feel good that
you all care. Thank you...forever...for caring about my baby.
Corrinne, I'm looking for her post but I don't know where to look, did she use her name?
She's under my name and I think in the meth or pain pill section...oops.
Heartache, I meant EVERY SINGLE WORD and could have gone on but I wanted to keep it simple...your the BEST.
found it, posted, and blinking tears from my eyes Corrinne, she is a beautiful girl!
Hi Wiverson..keeping it simple was the right move with her. She's still not one to sit down and concentrate..but I was so pleases she wanted to pop on and say thanks to all the people who prayed for her and supported me. I'll get her back on again next time. She had to get back to WORK this morning..that's right WORK..so she couldn't stick around long. Thank you so much for popping on to make her feel special. luv corrinne
Oh, Janet...thank you. I hope you never have to know what it feels like to GET YOUR CHILD BACK..but since I lost her..getting her back is like she was just born yesterday. If you saw her..and I have no scanner to prove it..you would see that she is beautiful..and she's looking better every time I see her. What's best though is her beauty on the inside is shining through again...remember I told you she's funny like you...her humor is in full swing again..and I can't keep up with her. And her caring nature is back too. She'd have been too self-involved to even consider popping on the board in the past. Thanx Janet for seeing us through to this time..I'm so glad you stuck with us. luv corrinne
Janet, I saw your post to brittany...perfect. I think sometimes she thinks I'm a little nuttso myself for talking to strangers..but she really lit up when she got responses and hearing from other addicts, I know, is what she needs now. I wish I could get her on full-time..but I'll nab her whenever I can. She's got a funny bone in her that won't quit; so i know she'd enjoy chatting with you nutballs and learn a thing or two along the way. Thank you AGAIN, Janet.
Bumping for Redd..Thinking of you kid.

Hey Redd,
I am thinking of you as well.....
Hope all is well.
Redd you & Jack are in our thoughts dailey Take Care...mj