Has Anyone Heard Of This?!

last night when i got home my legs felt all funny and wobbly! i went into my room and they gave way and i slid to the floor! felt like after u have an epidural. then i went outside to lock the car and i was walking slowly, all of a sudden i felt dizzy and i started running, i didnt want to run! but i couldnt stop my body, and i knew i would fall down the stairs so i grabbed on the pole on the porch to stop. after all this i went back to normal after a while. but for that time my limbs seemed to have a mind of their own and i had no control over them?!?!?
Oh man Elvis, you musta been scared to death! It sounds almost like a partial seizure or some type of episode. The running is what is confusing to me.

Your still tapering from the valium right?

Have you taken any more of the tramadol? If so, when was the last time and how much? If not, how long ago did you stop?

Are you hypoglycemic?

We need Silent Partner on this one!!!!!!!
Are you taking seroquel?
Im going to try to help you out with this one elvis>maybe you can see the answer in the morning?

Look for the post Im putting up for Silent partner
Morning Elvis.....
You hang tight ok. I hope that SP gets on and can offer some help here to tell you what might be up. This is something I have never seen written about when coming off the benzo's.....
Make sure you call and tell the doctor what is up....
Thinking of you,
thankyou wiversen, caroline girl and mistyeyes! its scary when it happens cuz i cant control my limb, esp my legs!! and after it i feel dizzy.
thank so much for helping me with this guys. i was supposed to come off the last valium today but after i told my doc what happened he wants to leave it for one more week. he didnt seem to know what it was. sounds neurological to me....like the co-ordination centre in my brain is stuffed or something?!
thanx for all ur help xo

p.s no i dont take seroquel?!
I remember my dad had an episode somewhat like that. His leg was acting all weird. We took him to the hospital and we were holding him while he was walking and his leg was just flopping around like a fish. They ended up treating him for high blood pressure. His pressure is so high they overlook everything else. Anyway, I dont think they ever found out what the cause was but he is fine today. It stopped doing that very soon.
When my daughter withdrew from hydrocodone on Sub for a week, she had the weakness in the legs for a few days. She felt like they were going to give out on her and was afraid of falling, but it never happened.
In benzo withdrawals, especially if a big cut is made or the person is getting to very low levels.. there are sensory and motor symptoms. I would guess that this is what happened to Elvis in this case. As a one-off I wouldn't be concerned but If in doubt, seek medical assistance.

From the Ashton Manual:

Acute Benzo Withdrawals
Insomnia, nightmares, sleep disturbance
Intrusive memories
Panic attacks
Generalised anxiety, panics and phobias
Sensory hypersensitivity
Depersonalisation, derealisation
Hallucinations, illusions, perceptual distortions
Depression, aggression, obsessions
Muscle symptoms
Body Sensations
Heart and lungs
Problems with balance
Digestive problems
Immune system
Endocrine problems
Fits, convulsions

Ongoing withdrawals
Sensory and motor disturbances
Possible mechanisms of persisting sensory and motor symptoms
Poor memory and cognition
Gastrointestinal symptom

No one here is a Dr and capable of knowing something so complex...this is serious neurological stuff so please PLEASE see your Dr A.S.A.P.

I have never taken Benzos, but i have had a limb shoot out on its own..arm or neck jerks..while detoxing from dilaudid,,,but running? and the other symptoms you described the other day also sound serious....

That is scary stuff.....please go...


Elvis...any other symptoms? shortness of breath or palpitation? I posted you on the other thread to SP. Love, S
hey elvis I am curious about what has changed. did you just drop your dose or are you getting to the end of your weaning off. for a benzodiazepine withdrawal these feelings you had aren't unusual at all but I am guessing something is different for you to have had them for the first time.

thanks to all who replied, it gave me some sense of comfort to know that perhaps these go with withdrawal symtoms. omph im on my very last valium now, if that makes any difference.
i saw my gp and he was just like "oh i dont know what that could be....quite annoying though i would imagine"...duh!! annoying and scary. perhaps i should see my old neurologist, mention it to my psych i dunno.
when my legs felt like jelly and i had to sit on the floor that didnt scare me as much and running to the car!!! when i wanted to walk!
this is actually the second time this has happened...a few months ago i think i even posted it...i locked the gates and was heading back inside but my body dragged me.....no joke, dragged me over to the rose bushes and i ended up in them with prickles ouch! i didnt even want to go anywhere near the rose bushes! if u had of seen me u would of thought i was drunk!!! thats how it looked!
once again though i sort of ran towards them. and that dizzy feeling only lasts a few seconds.
i just really hope this stuff stops happening!!!!
thanx all

p.s sharronn i dont think i have any other symptoms than the dizzyness and racing head.....hence running!
thanx all
oh and when i say running. i dont mean running in a straight line, im all over the place like a drunk......hence i end up in the rose bushes for example!
The closest I can relate to this is when I would have minor seizures without going all the way under while using. My limbs would shake uncontrollably and it felt like I was on a merry-go round.

The sad thing was at the time I didn't know it was a seizure and actually convinced myself I enjoyed it...God that brings back bad memories.

I am sorry you are going through this but I suppose it could be a lot worse. You could still be using after all.

I am glad to see you kept your resolve to get clean and maybe you might want to add this episode to your mental list of what you have overcome as well as what you don't want to have to go through again...just a thought.

God bless.
thanx wolf......minor seizures.....aaahhhhhh no!!
and im even having one of those bad days today. i call it a craving day. everyones out so here i am looking round the house?!?!?? knowing im sure i wont find anything but i have to look. someone told me to come on the page when this happens so i have.
i have a headache now....minor seizures :( cuz i did used to have big grand mall seizures!!