Hey you guys, hope everyone is doing well.
I'm hoping that you can tell me what to do a/b this damn headache. I've had this headache for 5 days, poping ibuprophen and tylenol all day and its not helping. What do you guys take for headaches?
This is when I really want to take a perc. Just for some relief, can I take just one or maybe just a half?
I'm 24 days today and fell great besides the headache. The only time my head doesn't hurt is when I'm alseep.
Hey Struggler, if you only have 24days behind you, don't take any percs, whether it's a half or a whole. This is just my opinion, from my own experience..can you call your Dr and ask him if he can give you something for the headache that is non narcotic, like imitrex? That is what I take with those headaches. Good luck and hang in there..Kim
BTW, if you only have in 24 days, that 1/2 perc might make you relapse. Please hang in there
BTW, if you only have in 24 days, that 1/2 perc might make you relapse. Please hang in there
Dear Stuggler,Kim is right your doing so well you dont want to cave in now.Could it be that your taking so much stuff for your headach your getting a bounce back headache?I have heard of that before.
Have you ever had this kind of headache before?Me when its that time of the month(walter)thats the only time I get those bone crushing headaches & Ill lay with a cool rag on my head in a darken room.......
Have you ever had this kind of headache before?Me when its that time of the month(walter)thats the only time I get those bone crushing headaches & Ill lay with a cool rag on my head in a darken room.......
Your headaches will get better, trust me.
I've always suffered with migraines & tension headaches and they hit an all-time high after having meningitis last year..... I can't take Imitrex b/c they cause panic attacks (they "speed" me up too much), but the large amounts of hydrocodone I took caused rebound headaches.
My body got so used to having a pain killer in my body that's it's own defense against pain became less & less..... My body forgot how to deal with pain on its own, so the pain would get WORSE as soon as the pills started wearing off.
When I quit pain pills without suboxone, I had a headache every day for the first 3 weeks..... Even this time, with the sub, I had them a lot..... I would get a migraine & would suffer so much, wanting to take a pain pill to make it go away, but I COULDN'T....... Then, my body's own natural pain killers started working again, since they weren't having any help from drugs, & I actually got headaches LESS than ever before.
If you feel a headache coming on, take 2 Advil & one or 2 Tylenol..... DO NOT pop these all day or take too much b/c it will cause a rebound headache. Drink a cup of coffee immediately after taking the pain killers - caffeine will help constrict the blood vessels, helping to reduce the "pounding" in your head (many over-the-counter migraine medications contain caffeine, but it's much cheaper to just drink some coffee or soda).
If it's a tension headache (mainly in the back of the neck & on the base of the skull), lie down on the floor with a tennis ball under your head..... move it around, all over your neck & shoulders, & just lie with it underneath you in each spot for 5 minutes or so.
And just keep telling yourself "This, too, shall pass."
I've always suffered with migraines & tension headaches and they hit an all-time high after having meningitis last year..... I can't take Imitrex b/c they cause panic attacks (they "speed" me up too much), but the large amounts of hydrocodone I took caused rebound headaches.
My body got so used to having a pain killer in my body that's it's own defense against pain became less & less..... My body forgot how to deal with pain on its own, so the pain would get WORSE as soon as the pills started wearing off.
When I quit pain pills without suboxone, I had a headache every day for the first 3 weeks..... Even this time, with the sub, I had them a lot..... I would get a migraine & would suffer so much, wanting to take a pain pill to make it go away, but I COULDN'T....... Then, my body's own natural pain killers started working again, since they weren't having any help from drugs, & I actually got headaches LESS than ever before.
If you feel a headache coming on, take 2 Advil & one or 2 Tylenol..... DO NOT pop these all day or take too much b/c it will cause a rebound headache. Drink a cup of coffee immediately after taking the pain killers - caffeine will help constrict the blood vessels, helping to reduce the "pounding" in your head (many over-the-counter migraine medications contain caffeine, but it's much cheaper to just drink some coffee or soda).
If it's a tension headache (mainly in the back of the neck & on the base of the skull), lie down on the floor with a tennis ball under your head..... move it around, all over your neck & shoulders, & just lie with it underneath you in each spot for 5 minutes or so.
And just keep telling yourself "This, too, shall pass."
Hey there struggler,
My cousin is a massage therapist and has studied pressure points and such extensively. I can't take the prescription migraine meds either, because I have Reynaud's, and they are basically a vasodilator. My OB/GYN gave me Relpax to try, but did not know I had Reynaud's (I had just been diagnosed.) I am 30 and have horrible, horrible veins. If I go into the hospital, they have to usually do an IJ. When I was in at the beginning of April for my kidney stones, I swear to God, may he strike me down, I was poked over 40 times for 3 IVs. I had two IJ lines that infiltrated (which should not happen in such big veins). When I was in last time, they said they will not do a regular IV ever again. I will have to have central lines. I had a Groshong when I was pregnant. I've never been an IV drug user, but that is pretty much what my veins look like from all the hospitalizations. (Sorry, rambling).
Anyway, the point of this is, try a heating pad on the back of your neck and base of your skull (even if the headache is in front or on top). You can try the heating pad on top of your head if you want, it might help. Also, there is a pressure point between your thumb and index finger, about 1-inch behind the webbing in between those fingers. You need to place your other thumb and forefinger on this spot (one on the palmar side and one on the back) and pinch hard. You have to do this hard.
Also, if you are having nausea with the migraine, there is a pressure point right before your wrist meets your hand. Take your index finger and middle finger, place them at the wrist and measure that way, placing direct pressure on that spot in between the two tendons on your wrist.
Hope this helps!
My cousin is a massage therapist and has studied pressure points and such extensively. I can't take the prescription migraine meds either, because I have Reynaud's, and they are basically a vasodilator. My OB/GYN gave me Relpax to try, but did not know I had Reynaud's (I had just been diagnosed.) I am 30 and have horrible, horrible veins. If I go into the hospital, they have to usually do an IJ. When I was in at the beginning of April for my kidney stones, I swear to God, may he strike me down, I was poked over 40 times for 3 IVs. I had two IJ lines that infiltrated (which should not happen in such big veins). When I was in last time, they said they will not do a regular IV ever again. I will have to have central lines. I had a Groshong when I was pregnant. I've never been an IV drug user, but that is pretty much what my veins look like from all the hospitalizations. (Sorry, rambling).
Anyway, the point of this is, try a heating pad on the back of your neck and base of your skull (even if the headache is in front or on top). You can try the heating pad on top of your head if you want, it might help. Also, there is a pressure point between your thumb and index finger, about 1-inch behind the webbing in between those fingers. You need to place your other thumb and forefinger on this spot (one on the palmar side and one on the back) and pinch hard. You have to do this hard.
Also, if you are having nausea with the migraine, there is a pressure point right before your wrist meets your hand. Take your index finger and middle finger, place them at the wrist and measure that way, placing direct pressure on that spot in between the two tendons on your wrist.
Hope this helps!
I had that same problems. I had it for weeks
come to find out it was all in my sinuses. The
Dr. gave me a nose spray I still use it when
my head starts.
come to find out it was all in my sinuses. The
Dr. gave me a nose spray I still use it when
my head starts.
Marina, I was going to put that, too........ When I get a really intense headache, I take some sinus medicine (Advil sinus & headache) instead of the advil (but with the tylenol) & it almost always helps.
Sometimes pure peppermint oil (health food places sell a little roll-on called "Migra-stick") on the back of the neck, earlobes, temple and forehead -- but keep it out of your eyes -- helps me, if I catch the headache early enough. I believe there's actually research data on this from Germany.
Of course, I then start craving a Peppermint Patty.
Of course, I then start craving a Peppermint Patty.
Thanks everyone....
I think when I get home I will do the heating pad and try the Advil cold and sinus instead of all this IB and Tylenol. I won't take ANYTHING else b/c I know in my mind that I can't take just 1, so I won't even try.
I just want my head to stop hurting, when I first quit I didn't have a headache for like three weeks, but this last week, I just want to pinch my head off.
Anyway, got to put a smile on my face, my little boy is having his 2nd T-Ball game tonight!!
Thanks Again,
I think when I get home I will do the heating pad and try the Advil cold and sinus instead of all this IB and Tylenol. I won't take ANYTHING else b/c I know in my mind that I can't take just 1, so I won't even try.
I just want my head to stop hurting, when I first quit I didn't have a headache for like three weeks, but this last week, I just want to pinch my head off.
Anyway, got to put a smile on my face, my little boy is having his 2nd T-Ball game tonight!!
Thanks Again,
If I have a real bad headache I take BC powder. It usually works pretty fast. Make sure you are eating. That is a common withdrawl symptom it will get better just don't use. I had headaches on and off for about 2-3 weeks when I first quit. Hang in there. Have fun at the game ! Rae
If you can find a massage therapist who works on trigger points and most due, they might be able to get rid of it. I think the point is in the feet, Weird, huh?
Stay clean, do what everyone is saying. Also having the massage will help with all the tensions you're having. Also, I think someone mentioned this but do neck stretches, side to side, hold your head down just till you feel a gentle stretch, you don't want to go too far, but don't bend it backwards. If you can't afford a massage, get someone to massage you temples and feet. Anyone getting turned on?
Stay clean, do what everyone is saying. Also having the massage will help with all the tensions you're having. Also, I think someone mentioned this but do neck stretches, side to side, hold your head down just till you feel a gentle stretch, you don't want to go too far, but don't bend it backwards. If you can't afford a massage, get someone to massage you temples and feet. Anyone getting turned on?
Advil liquigels are the shiat! Although since reading a post from mdgirl I am going to try motrin for my back for awhile. The advil is great for headaches but for my back... not so much.
Lets us know what works for you.
Lets us know what works for you.
I am a massage w****.... LOL. I get anyone and everyone to rub my neck & shoulders (not my feet... that would be too weird). I literally will get coworkers, family members, my husband's friends - anyone- to rub me b/c the tension causes not only headaches, but back aches & fatigue as well.
My muscles knot up so much, especially during a panic attack, that I can barely move my shoulders up and down...... Everyone thinks I would be so easy to rub b/c I'm so tiny, but it's tough because I like it as hard as you can rub.
I like for someone to take one hand, wrap it around the back of my neck at the base of my skull, & squeeze as hard as possible. I also get these pea-sized knots in my back, so it feels good when someone puts their hands on my shoulders & then their thumbs right there between my shoulder blades, and just use a lot of pressure to release them.
My son even knows that the easiest way to get something is to come up & start rubbing my back.... LOL
My muscles knot up so much, especially during a panic attack, that I can barely move my shoulders up and down...... Everyone thinks I would be so easy to rub b/c I'm so tiny, but it's tough because I like it as hard as you can rub.
I like for someone to take one hand, wrap it around the back of my neck at the base of my skull, & squeeze as hard as possible. I also get these pea-sized knots in my back, so it feels good when someone puts their hands on my shoulders & then their thumbs right there between my shoulder blades, and just use a lot of pressure to release them.
My son even knows that the easiest way to get something is to come up & start rubbing my back.... LOL
My best remedy is a 16x12 hot or cold pad, I usually keep them in the freezer, roll about 3 or 4", lay under neck, then lay in the recliner....act like slug for 25 minutes
After reading your post I almost fell asleep,LOL I need a back rub now. I think I'll go beg one of my kids to do it for me. My oldest will but she then wants one to. She will make me scratch her arms,back,legs etc. I have always liked my back scratched to though must be where she gets it from... So your back on sub? How many mgs did you start back on?
After reading your post I almost fell asleep,LOL I need a back rub now. I think I'll go beg one of my kids to do it for me. My oldest will but she then wants one to. She will make me scratch her arms,back,legs etc. I have always liked my back scratched to though must be where she gets it from... So your back on sub? How many mgs did you start back on?