Okay I'm calm now. I can't believe him. For anyone whose been following my posts I'm sure you all know how I've been put through the ringer by him. So ya I just got home and the storage cabinet was still locked up. Okay so far so good. So I unlocked it and ALL His clothes were gone! He even took his shoes! I called him back and he said he is sorry but he wanted his clothes back. Then he asked if he can come over and his mom has his cheque from his work he'll come over with it. I told him where to go. I called his mom, she never picked him up, she didn't know he was even at home.
He lied! He manipulated me to stay at my apartment JUST SO he can steal his stuff back! Not only that but she said he doesn't have a check! He actually thought that he could come over and we could hang out and he can keep promising to pay me back...I can't believe this! He lied! He needed to stay here so he "wouldn't overdose and die" while his brother smoked crack. He totally lied! If he really had intentions of paying me back he wouldnt feel the need to steal the stuff back!
Then he had the nerve to tell me I can't go out clubbing tonight! EXCUSE ME??
His mom called back and she said he's scammed her so much as well, and that he lies so much she doesn't know what to believe (her and me both) and she's actually coming by to pay me what he owes me on the Visa for him because she feels bad for me.
Seriously why did he do this???? He's a MONSTER!!!
Hi Kittycat,
I am sorry to hear what you are going through.
It doesnt surprise me though, sorry to say, as my partner has lied about money, stolen a laptop that was mine and sold it, sold his engagement ring and braclet I gave him as a birthday present - he never gets anything form me anymore that he can sell and the last time was years ago...
He has got his mum to send him money, he has borrowed thousands of dollars from me, which finally he has paid back - it has taken years....
The sad truth is, they will do anything and sell,steel and lie to get their fix....
They cheat on anybody they can, if they can gain anything from you they try their best, when there isnt anything more to get they move on to the next person, and the circle just goes on and on...
I dont borrow or give him any money, I lock away all my valuables so he cant steel from me and sell it for drugs. Sad life one has to live in your own home...
Thats one of the sides to live with an heavy addict who refuses to see that there are other ways of living your life... Its such a waiste....
Well i have had it, I am moving on, I cant take this no more and after 8 years of Heroin and Crack cocaine on a daily basis around me - I never want to see an addict for the rest of my life....I have seen it all... And I wish I was smarter than this and walked out years ago when the first signs came, but stupidly and blind of love I stayed... What has it given me? Nothing more than greif, stress and anxiety.... So now I have the rest of my life ahead of me and I am planning to live it as good as I can - and not been put down on a daily basis by somebody who is dragging themself down of their own choice....
I think we all have to be a bit harder, and stop being to soft on these addicts, we are not their councellers, socialworkers etc - there are people out there to help them if they want to, if not then let them get on with their self destruction..
Nobody dragged me up when I was low, I had to look for help myself and fight my battle to get back on track.
I am sorry I dont want to sound harsh or blame anybody but it just doesnt make any sense why everybody of us should have to suffer for loving an addict, thats the only mistake we made...
I wish you and the others strenght to live you lifes and hopefully move on and get the lives you all deserves. Let the addicts deal with their own problems, in the end of the day none of use forced them touse in the first place, so to me its a choice of life they made and also choosed to continue with despite the fact we all are very informed these days on the danger of it.
Live and let live.
All the best and keep your courage up
I am sorry to hear what you are going through.
It doesnt surprise me though, sorry to say, as my partner has lied about money, stolen a laptop that was mine and sold it, sold his engagement ring and braclet I gave him as a birthday present - he never gets anything form me anymore that he can sell and the last time was years ago...
He has got his mum to send him money, he has borrowed thousands of dollars from me, which finally he has paid back - it has taken years....
The sad truth is, they will do anything and sell,steel and lie to get their fix....
They cheat on anybody they can, if they can gain anything from you they try their best, when there isnt anything more to get they move on to the next person, and the circle just goes on and on...
I dont borrow or give him any money, I lock away all my valuables so he cant steel from me and sell it for drugs. Sad life one has to live in your own home...
Thats one of the sides to live with an heavy addict who refuses to see that there are other ways of living your life... Its such a waiste....
Well i have had it, I am moving on, I cant take this no more and after 8 years of Heroin and Crack cocaine on a daily basis around me - I never want to see an addict for the rest of my life....I have seen it all... And I wish I was smarter than this and walked out years ago when the first signs came, but stupidly and blind of love I stayed... What has it given me? Nothing more than greif, stress and anxiety.... So now I have the rest of my life ahead of me and I am planning to live it as good as I can - and not been put down on a daily basis by somebody who is dragging themself down of their own choice....
I think we all have to be a bit harder, and stop being to soft on these addicts, we are not their councellers, socialworkers etc - there are people out there to help them if they want to, if not then let them get on with their self destruction..
Nobody dragged me up when I was low, I had to look for help myself and fight my battle to get back on track.
I am sorry I dont want to sound harsh or blame anybody but it just doesnt make any sense why everybody of us should have to suffer for loving an addict, thats the only mistake we made...
I wish you and the others strenght to live you lifes and hopefully move on and get the lives you all deserves. Let the addicts deal with their own problems, in the end of the day none of use forced them touse in the first place, so to me its a choice of life they made and also choosed to continue with despite the fact we all are very informed these days on the danger of it.
Live and let live.
All the best and keep your courage up
hi kittycat, yes these guys are expert liars and will doing ANYTHING to get what they need. now his clothes are gone, like i told you in one of my posts my ex owes me 5 grand and i dont believe that money will be coming anytime soon. now that his stuff is gone there is no reason for him to come over, dont let him in your house, if he calls and says he has some money which i highly doubt, becuz he needs every dime to smoke, meet him in a public place, change your locks, do whatever you have to, change your phone number, i mean really get serious with him coming in and out of your life. my ex let me wear a very expensive ring that his mom gave him, well i held that hostage, but the last time i saw him he said i could keep it, i am like yea ok like i am giving it back to you anyway!! i am certain the gold chain which he never took off and i noticed was gone pawned or sold for dope, i gave it to him as a gift so he can do whatever he wants with it, i simply dont care anymore. thses types of people are physic vampires, they suck the life force right out of you.
take care girl
take care girl
Angel sounds like your husband has put you through so much? Are you going to leave him? At least he's finally paid you back..I've been dealing with my bf's addiction for 2.5 years (actually 2 because I didn't know the first 6 months) and I just don't think he's going to quit..he's not ready to.
Tropical..sounds like all these addicts are chronic liars. I really believe that he thinks his lies are the truth now. I couldn't believe some of the things his mom was telling me about him, he really sounds like he's possessed by the devil or something.
He phoned me this morning and said "well it was wrong of you to hold onto my clothes" My God, but not giving me money he owes me is right? He says "well thats your punishment for making me lose my job" okay so making me lose two jobs, making my best friend lose hers, my male friend lose his, made his mom lose hers and his brother too, and I do it to him and GOD FORBID!!
He makes me sick.
Then he asked if he can come over. I told him he's sick and hung up.
I am STILL trying to figure out how he got into the storage cabinet. I had a chain with a lock on it with nails pushed in along the top so he can't stick his hand in there..I guess he picked the lock? Is it easy to do that? What an awesome way to live, to lock up my stuff like that. Even the lock on my filing cabinet is broken. Of couse he didn't do it. I had that thing for 10 years with no problem and now its broken. Thank God he didn't steal anything of mine. He did steal my jars of koolaid though. THAT made me mad! Like seriously get a job and buy your own koolaid! Still, I am so mad at this junkie loser its not even funny.
Tropical..sounds like all these addicts are chronic liars. I really believe that he thinks his lies are the truth now. I couldn't believe some of the things his mom was telling me about him, he really sounds like he's possessed by the devil or something.
He phoned me this morning and said "well it was wrong of you to hold onto my clothes" My God, but not giving me money he owes me is right? He says "well thats your punishment for making me lose my job" okay so making me lose two jobs, making my best friend lose hers, my male friend lose his, made his mom lose hers and his brother too, and I do it to him and GOD FORBID!!
He makes me sick.
Then he asked if he can come over. I told him he's sick and hung up.
I am STILL trying to figure out how he got into the storage cabinet. I had a chain with a lock on it with nails pushed in along the top so he can't stick his hand in there..I guess he picked the lock? Is it easy to do that? What an awesome way to live, to lock up my stuff like that. Even the lock on my filing cabinet is broken. Of couse he didn't do it. I had that thing for 10 years with no problem and now its broken. Thank God he didn't steal anything of mine. He did steal my jars of koolaid though. THAT made me mad! Like seriously get a job and buy your own koolaid! Still, I am so mad at this junkie loser its not even funny.