He's Being A Jerk

My boyfriends being a complete jerk probably because he's jonesing for crack. He threw a can of cocoa butter at me and it got all over the place. He threw everything off my coffee table all over the floor. And now he's saying that he was embarrassed to be seen with me on our walk because I'm fat (I weigh 130 pounds and am fit, I work out, but I'm bloated due to that time of the month). Then he says you have gross saddlebags and you're gross.
I know he's just being a jerk but at least I know enough to know I'm not fat, and that I'm pretty (not to be conceited). HE'S the one with the belly and stretch marks on his a$$!! He's taking his insecurities out on me. I seriously hope he gets sentenced to jail this wednesday. He hasn't been accepted into his rehab, its not set in stone so if they don't confirm it he goes to jail. God I hope so. And I'm definitly not going to wait for him, jail or rehab, I'm gonna find someone else. I won't wait for someone who is abusive like this. Anyways I needed to vent.

I know it's not funny but your post made me chuckle out loud!!

"HE'S the one with the belly and stretch marks on his a$$!! "

You go girl!!!! Get out of there and find a man that will take care of you!

That is a remarkable thing you have said..."I'm pretty." That is a wonderful attitude you NEED to maintain. Not allowing him to tear you down and take from you what he has already taken from himself. Stay strong and keep being as you are. Much hope and many hugs.

you go girl!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm so happy to finally hear you say taht. good for you. i've been there too. jsut think he'll be gone (either jail or rehab) in no time and you will be able to move on. just don't give in to the next mood change which will be be him telling you how much he loves you and can't do it with out you. uhh. thats what i'm dealing with right now. i can't.
be good!!
Thanks Ckat!
And you are smart too cause now he's having his mood change..lol
But he called his lawyer today and said he might do 3 or 4 months.
How are you holding up? Is he trying to get you back with promises to quit yet?
Two words... leave him. Why would you want to be with someone that puts you down like that. My husband is an addict but has never put me down. Move on. Addicts are a pain in the a** anyway. Good luck.
Thanks Lily, your advice made me chuckle when you said addicts are a pain in the a$$ anyways. It's true though.
He's either going to jail or rehab so I'll have my chance to get away soon enough. =)
promises to quit? he calls me every night hysterically crying and telling me that he is fighting this disease and is willing to wait for as long as it takes to have me back in his life. he cries all day and night. his friends are telling me he is a mess and never thought i would really leave. he is the biggest producer at his firm and goes to work and cries like a little baby. he is a on so much medication right now. heart mediicine, anti depressanst. some say i should tell him that we might get back together so he can live off the hope taht one day i might give him another chance... i just think tahts mean. he should be doing this for himself. you agree?
He can only do it for himself...... Until they hit their lowest point, they won't stop..... Some don't lose everything, other's do......
CKat, Of course he's promising to stop, he will do or say anything to get you back. And you're smart, if you give him hope that you will get back together with him one day, that is just leading him on and giving him false hope and you don't want to be responsible for that.

EXACTLY!! i don't want to give him false hope but his shrink also told me not to out right go and say that it will never happen. he says he is weak now and is scared he might commit suicide. i have definitely made up my mind and i'm moving on, but i don't want anything to happen to him. i'm not making any promises so basically i'm just telling him that he has to focus on himself. thank you all for making me strong!!
Julie - hows your situation???
Hi Ckat!!
The thing is, if your ex is weak and suicidal it has nothing to do with you. He may be blaming it on you but it really has to do with him. You aren't responsible for what he does now. You can't put your life on the line to go rescue him, and then be let down again. He's ruining his own life right now, but you can't let him ruin yours as well.

As for me, well its been a little tough lately, only in that he has been saying he doesn't want to go to that Teen Challenge rehab program because he doesn't want to leave me and lose me to another guy.
He said he'll get help here but I've heard that one too many times.
But we went to his court sentence hearing this morning and it has been put off again till next friday. That is because Teen Challenge hasn't faxed a confirmation that he's applied or been accepted to his lawyer and the judge said she'd like to wait for that because she has heard about the success of that rehab and has sent a lot of addicts there who came out and stayed clean. So she really wants him to go so she put the sentencing off. Pretty much, he has no choice but to go there, or get sentenced to 4 months in jail. So thank God for that intervention!
Other than that things are good but he got money today so we'll see how that goes.
Anyways how are you doing, are you doing better?

Sorry to hear that Maryann, its hard enough having to deal with their addictions and then on top of it, their abuse.
Mine insults everyone, you know, because he's better than everyone else..he always puts other peoples bodies down, even though his is far from perfect. He's a really good looking guy, but he does have his imperfections.

Of course he got money in the past two days, and I KNEW he'd want to find some excuse to go to his moms (to do crack of course) and sure enough, he wanted to go there today so I just went shopping instead and I just called him and his voice sounds like he's doing crack but he's denying it as usual.