He's Now In Detox

I've been writing in here once in a while so I'm not sure if you know my story. My son't father, and boyfriend for 12 years has been battling heroin and now I find out crack too (not for 12 years but a long time). He's been getting out of hand. He went missing yesterday and his family (brother, sister and cousins) and I were looking for him. Calling everywhere and driving everywhere. Everyone had just seen him but didn't know where he went. Well he pulls up down the street from a house we were all at. He knew we were there. So when we saw him we walked to where he was. Well I guess I've seen him high before but never like this. He had two of the most disgusting people I have ever seen in the car. The second his brother saw him he broke into tears. His sister went crazy. She saw the guy that got him into heroin. That's who he was with. Believe me I know that it's my boyfriends fault and not this guy who he first started it with. But she was so distraught and angry that she took a glass bottle and slammed it over the other guys head. He started running and she was screaming at him. So my boyfriend jumped in the car and picked the guy up and drove off with him. So we all sat there and cried. I have this terrible image of him like that in my head and I can't make it go away and I can't stop crying. He came to me in the middle of the night when he was done and coming down. He wanted me to sit with him. He was so tired but couldn't go to sleep. He wanted to lay with me but I didn't want him to touch me, sorry but I kept picturing how he looked so high and I can't even explain it. After a few hours he layed next to me and he broke into tears. He cried like a baby that he cannot live like this. He cried for almost an hour. In 12 years I have never seen him cry. We were up all night. Well he slept for a while but I couldn't. I was shaking all night from being so upset.
When he woke up in the morning he started making phone calls to detox facilities. He was getting frustrating cuz it's hard to find one that has a bed. So his sister, brother and cousin and myself helped. We spend the morning at a hospital so he could get evaluated. Then we went and got him some stuff that he needed and dropped him off at a detox. From there, as long as we get his insurance straight, he will go to an inpatient facility. He called me last night but I will not be able to speak to him for seven days. I have to stop up there tonight to drop off a few more things to him. Anyway it was good to hear from him last night. I just needed to get this out because I don't really have anyone else to talk to. I will get some help for myself. Hopefully be able to find some meetings in my area.

Sounds like things are looking up. I will be thinking and praying for you and your boyfriend. i know it was tough to see him like that but now you can see how much it changes people. he may still have to bang his head against the wall a couple more times but it sounds like he has had enough. finding a group or a meeting to go to or even a church group would be the best thing for you. you need some face to face time with someone that will lend you their shoulder to cry on. i wish you well.

~Adam A