Heartfelt Prayers For Stacey (jimmyjangles)

Hello all & I hope Stacey doesnt mind but her family has had a loss & Im just hoping we all can add some kind words for her
It doesnt matter how old or young a loved one is when we lose them...it still hurts.

Stacey...YGM & huny my heart & prayers will be with you & your family
Love Sabrina
Stacey, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. This must be compounded because it happened before a holiday. God Bless You and your family.


Prayers and condolences going out for you and your family. I am so sorry for your loss. I hope you and your family find comfort in God and each other.


Stacey..........Someone sent me this when mom passed & it stayed with me.

People just can't know the sorrow
That another has to bear,
But they can express their sympathy
And show how much they care......
So, I'm sending this to tell you
That my thoughts are with you now,
And I hope just knowing that I care
Will comfort you somehow.

I'm thinking of you with the deepest sympathy.

I am sincerely sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


i love you ...........my friend.

i will be praying for you and your family and that your hearts are comforted........

i am so sorry.

love u

So sorry to hear you've suffered a personal loss. Thinking of you and your family...

Peace and Comfort~MomNMore

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She lost her Grandmother and is in need of our strong thoughts and prayers....she is so sad and so upset. I love you Stacey and you know where to find me kiddo.
Loving and thinking of you, Stacygirl.
My Grandma called me her memory keeper. She lives forever inside me and I share those memories with my kids. You are your Grandmother's legacy. She'll never really be gone because she's a part of what makes you you. I know that probably doesn't make it any easier to hear that but one day you'll see what I'm telling you is true.
I don't know how I would have survived my childhood without mine so I know how much you're hurting,
Take care, Sweetie.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Stacey.
I just wanted to thank everyone so far.Though I know nothing will replace her grandmother (who to me sounds like she was one heck of a woman)I think Stacey will appreciate us thinking of her.
Hope ya all have a nice day
Dear Stacey,
I am very sorry for your loss and your heartache...Carry your grandmother's memory close to your heart and keep her spirit alive in you...

My prayers are with you and you're family at this time of sorrow...

Awe Stace...I am a grandma and I know how devastated my grandchild would be if something happened to me. It's a special and endearing relationship that will live on inside of you. I love what Kat said about being the "memory keeper", how true is that!

I never knew my grams but can only imagine how sad you must be, so maybe you can try to remember and cherish your wonderful memories of an obviously special and gracious women....be thankful for her life and all that she bestowed upon you.

I just wanted to tell you that I feel your pain and am sending loving prayers of condolences to you and your family. You are a strong young women and know that you will eventually be okay.

Big huge, ginormous hugs XOXOXOXXO

I am thinking of you. I hope you will always cherish that last time you were with her. She is sending angels your way, right now...so thank her!



thinking of u...............

Thank you to all who left messages for me and the emails.

MJ, that was sweet.

I haven't really felt like talking about it, but it was pretty rough. I just got back late last night.
I had a lot of family there and a lot of cousins I haven't seen in a very long time. Them being there helped me a ton. But haven't really wanted to talk about it. I recorded her last month when we visited, but haven't watched but the first 2 min. Can't watch it right now...

Kaylin saw Grandmother in her casket and said "That's my friend"..

anyways, I really appreciate the concern.

Hi Stac,

Hold your sweet Gram in your heart. In a while there will come times when you'll be able to think of her and smile. What Kaylin said made me tear up. Yep Grammas are friends, the best to the grands and greatgrands. You take care of yourself Stacy and give your spirit time to heal. Hold those memories tight. I never had (well that I ever met) a Gramma, but my Mom, I know it sounds childish but there are times I miss her so I just want her here with me. I believe we will find each other again someday and in the meantime I tell my kids (who remember her) and my Lily about Nana and show pictures as much as I can. Making memories, that's what it's all about. I'm praying and thinking of you girlie girl...you are awesome!

Love and Hugs,

Stace..when you get a chance and feel like talking, email me.

Jan, thank you. You've been through so much. I am trying to get through this but I end up feeling right back where I started. Time will make it easier.
I bless God for my family that I could lean on during this time.

Lisa, I'll email you back soon.

This is a beautiful eulogy that my cousin (who could not make it to the funeral) wrote for my Grandmother's funeral.
thought I'd share it. It is priceless.
If the only prayer we ever said were "Thank you," it would be enough

When the world seems flat and hard and dry and fruitless, sometimes
"Thank you" taps the underground spring. The spring of tears, the spring of laughter.

Often, in dark days of winter, Grandmother would say, "Sometimes I just wish for spring, but then... I hate to wish any days away...have to be thanksful for every, single day we have."

Laughter. Good stories, Bad jokes. A big heart that loved to laugh.

Thank you Grandmother for the jokes, for the field peas, the greens, the cornbread, the stories, made up and true. Thank you for many many immeasureable moments.

Grandmother, I can't be there today, but neither can you. So I guess we're even. No "gotcha last," but always, still there in spirit.

I imagine I would have a hard time standing there and reading this, but I would love to be with the family and friends gathered there, there because of you. There in spirit.

I imagine, if there is a gate, and a St Peter, he will ask you if you belong there, and you will say something a little rude, and he will go off wondering what to do with you. And when he comes back you will already have planted a garden. Good for you.

There are wells of laughter underneath if we know how to find them. God grant us a sense of humor so we can water our garden.

I have no idea how to deal with your leaving. No idea how to see the eyes and hear the voice that is gone forever. Only to say, everyday, thank you.

Thank You.:""
Stacey...your post touched my heart in so many ways.Thank you for posting it.

I dont have any words of wisdom only shoulders to lean on if you need/
Love MJ