Hello Everyone

hi, ive been reading the posts for a couple of days now, and it brings tears to my eyes because i can relate to mostly all these stories. my husband has been using crack now for at least 6 years that i know of. it has been a tramatic, emotional experience for me. i left NY because of his problem over there using cocaine and marijuana in which he was addicted too. he was sober for about a year and than someone in his job introduced him to crack. he immediately got hook. he must have been using a while before i realized what was going on. everything went down the hill. it has been too emotional for me. sometimes i want God to take me away quickly. i have two teens, boy & girl. the mood swings, his depression, his disappearing for one or two days and his constant lying has taken a toll on the whole family. but thanks to a HOLY and AWESOME God i am carrying this cross daily. prayer and my faith has gotten me to this point where i have surrendered him to the mighty One. my prayers for you all. keep your hope and surrender to God because He is the only One that will keep you sane. if you ask.
Amen to that!
Amen indeed!!!

God Bless you sister!