Howdy to all and Happy New Year.
My husband is a very sociable guy, E always enjoys company bad or good.
however prefer a non-social life. I can count on one hand who I trust, most I've
known 8 or more years. I am sorry it hurt some of you last night when my husband
didn't show at the party. However, I think it was in very bad taste to TP my house.
Not only is it littering, it is also vandalizing my property. For those of you who don't know
what I am talking about, we went out front last night to look for our cat.
I had just taken a shower and we both were looking forward to sleeping.
Behold the beauty of a bad joke. Our front yard, tree and my car were lightly covered
in toilet paper. Now I must thank you for not using more. However, it was freezing cold
and my hair was wet. In my house shoes and t-shirt, I cleaned up most of the mess.
Swearing as I did so, good thing I had my anger to keep me warm. Grin
And Meta, "PLEASE STOP CALLING MY HUSBAND." You have your own.