Hello From Newbie,i Need Advice

Hello all,I just found this site & thought you might be able to help answer some questions.
1st,let me start off by saying that I am not an addict.The reason I am here is because of my sister.My parents & I are at the end of the line with her,& we don't know where to go from here.
On Sunday I found some drugs in her room,I personally didn't know what they were so I took them to a friend of mine that is a Police officer,he ID'ed the packet as heroin [100% no doubt about it,he's seen it 1000 times] it's a small pouch with a blue paper inside with a stamp on it [the stamp was a HumVee] their were also 21 pills,smaller than an asperin,light or sky blue in color with the stamp 031 on one side & either a fancy "R" or "Jesus fish" on the other side.He couldn't ID this pill,but his best guess is that it's 1 of 2 things.Extasy or Meth.Any help in ID'ing this pill from the board members here would be greatly appreciated.

My parents & I confronted her last night with all of this info.My sister is a world class lyiar.She honestly beleives that lying & sticking to her story will lead to us,her accusers to start not beleiving our own evidence.There is no other person in the house that this crap can belong to.I don't live there & it was under her mattress.I'm actually surprised that she didn't say that I planted it there.But I digress,every time she has been caught with stuff she defended her usegage by saying she was under stress & admitted to it being either valluim or percasettes,I guess in her mind she thinks that we will be more able to accept entry level type drugs like these 2 & not bother her about using them.She's wrong.Last month my Mother looked in on her while she was sleeping [she yells in her sleep,this is why my Mom does this]she was clutching onto something so my Mom took the object from her hands,at the time my Mom didn't know what it was,but after seeing the Heroin last night there was no doubt,it was the same.

Last night,after all the turmoil of confronting her with the evidence she packed up,stayed the night & left for work this morning.We don't expect her back.We have been looking all night for rehab centers in the area,but how do we get her to check into one of these facilities?She volunteered to go into one last year for about a week,maybe 10 days.And she swears that she'll NEVER go back.I found one that I would LOVE to get her into,The Holistic Addiction Treatment center in Miami,Fla.Has anyone here ever heard of this facility?Or better yet been there themselves?Any oppinions?Good,Bad or Indifferent?

I know this is alot for a 1st post,but it is very important to me to help her "get it together"
Thanks in advance,& my prayers are with all of you for your success in living with your former addictions.Thanks You,Mick.

Hello RockBottom!

Unfortunately, your sister isn't there yet... Until she hits it, you can't do much. Addicts have to, 1-realize they have a problem, and 2-want help, before they have a chance at recovery. I'm sorry to say that she doesn't fit the bill, not yet anyway.

How old is she? Does she live with your folks full-time? Where does she get the money to buy dope?

She's 31,we suspect that she has been on drugs for about 2 years.She lived with them full time up until last night,we don't know what she's going to do after work today.She works as a waitress in a casino.I'm guessing she makes alot in tips,or at least enough to keep feeding her habit.

My Mother want's me to find info on Naltrexon/Rivia.

Do you know what this is?

We've tried everything to help her "SEE" her problem,nothing works.Her lies are comforting to her I guess.

I know this is horrible to say,but I wish the Lord would just take her.
Please mike never say things like that as i know from experience that it would cause you and your family more heartache than any drugs would. there are other treaments that your sister might find easier to cope with other than naltrexone such as subutex, which is the drug i now use which i find highly effective ive been on this now for about 6 weeks and it does kind of fill the void which heroin leaves. Subutex doesnt attach itself to the brains receptors like heroin does and it also has completely taken the cravings and the urges away from me maybe this could also work for your sister. just dont loose your head at her try and understand what shes going through, if you really want to help read up on the effects of heroin addiction maybe someone on this site would be able to help with this as i live in ireland and i dont know of any sites in the us that could be helpfull so take it easy mike and if possible try getting your sister to come on this site as addicts sometimes find it easier to chat to people in the same position as themselves good luck on finding her mate
So,does anyone know what these little blue pills are??
by the sonds of it they could be vallium but id need more info what size and shape are the (im guest from last entry)
Naltrexone is an opiate blocker. You usually only take that after you have detoxed., there is a link on the top left of this page to more information about it. You can be given it a part of a rapid detox program, but this is done under sedation at a clinic.

Once detoxed it can be used as a maintenance treatment as it will block any opiate effects.

If she is on H you should be able to find evidence. If she is smoking it there should be pieces of foll with brown burn tracks, or injecting needles and syringes.

If you want investigate subutex/buprenorphine there is a locator here: http://buprenorphine.samhsa.gov/bwns_locat...ator/index.html. It can be a bit of of date I believe, but it is a start. You could also post on http://www.heroin-detox.com/ if you cannot find a clinic

You cannot make her give it up, she has to do it for herself, your support can help her, it not easy.
Their round in shape.about 1/2 the size of a Tylonol aspirin.I can't really explain the markings any better than I allready have.
Hi again Mick!

If she has the money to supply her habit then there's not much you can do to stop her. Forget about what thses little pills are...it's a moot point. Your sister is an addict and it doesn't make a difference if those pills are ecstasy, or valium or whatever... Don't waste your time under her mattress or trying to find out what these little pills are. Start praying that she survive her fall, which is imminent by the way.

If you care about your sister, and you seem to, why don't you tell her so? Instead of saying that you wished the Lord would take her, tell her you love her and you don't want to see her get hurt. It might be the spark she needs...

If she dies tonight, you'll know what is meant by "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord."

sounds like they could be blue vallium these are often taken with heroi to maximise the effects
JC,we did all the talking last night.We tried everything,the "loving approach" doesn't work with her.For as long as I can remember she has been a liar,mean spirited person,she's malicious in nature & EXTREMELY selfish.She could care less if I love her,she doesn't give a damn who she hurts.She's impossible to reach without professional help,which she will not go for.I consider myself & my parents to be intelligent people,we understand that only she can decide that it's time to get help,but she's not there yet & we're scared.I wish to God we could have her commited to an instutition.But the law is on her side.Who knows what the future is gonna bring.
I just showed my Mother this board,she'll be using this login acct also,so if there seems to be 2 stlyes of writing this is the reason.I told her that by reading the posts on this board we might be better equipped to deal with the situation,after all,education is the key to success.Or hopefully victory in this case.Take care,Mick.
Broadway,we know that she is snorting the heroin [we've found her straws numerous times].Considering the way she's using this substance,does it make a difference in the overall severity of the addiction?

edited for spelling

At least you tried, what else can you do? Just let it be. After all, it's her life to live, or her life to waste. I know it must be heartbreaking to helplessly watch as someone you love self-destructs before your eyes and my prayers are with you and yours...

Good luck & God Bless all of you!
The way you take it makes no difference to the level of addiction. Once you're hooked your hooked. One reason people use needles is it is a more efficient way of delivering the drug.
I agree..don't worry so much about what the pills are. It's preety much a mute point. I understand how you and you parents must feel. I know I put my mom and dad through living hell. Then I've dealt with my own son and his addictioin now after I'm clean. It's impossible to truly love anyone and just leave it alone! I finally talked my son into going into a rehab/discipleship program. He's doing great by the way. I believe that we should never give up on anyone! As far as getting your sister into a program..she's going to have to want to do it. Unfortunately for you guys it is not possible to just make anyone do this..not even if your sister was a child. I and my family and friends will pray for all of you and I'll ask God to give you the wisdom to know what to do to take care of her.
Yes I have heard of the program you asked about and heard good things about it. I know you mentioned it's in Florida so I assume that's where you are at. I have some friends that I worked with through a ministry that have a program in Talahassee Florida. I can't remember exactly where it is or anything but I should be able to get ahold of them this weekend if you'd like.
Stay strong and stand by your sister and daughter. I read something one day when I worked with some teens.."It is better to pick them up a hundred times than to lay them six feet under once"
God Bless