Hello My Friends... An Update On Me.

Well well well, I haven't come by here in a very long time, but i think of so many of you every single day.
In 2005 I came here strung out of oxycodone and hydrocodone, I needed help, i knew it, i was in pain, and i turned down every single comment that would point me in the right direction for over a year because none of them included me still being able to use and not have a problem. I obviously wasn't ready... even though i needed to be. my husband used with me and as much as i did. we lied, we stole, it sucked. To make matters worse we were newly married with a baby. I started really listening to a group on here that finally began to make sense. amazing. never thought it would happen. I was 21... i'll be 27 this year, my daughter is 5 and a half and i just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary, even though that's been a HUGE struggle...

Today is my 10th day off of suboxone. I weaned down to dust... for a solid year, just a little tiny speck i would take, once in the morning... i jumped off over a week ago. it's not FUN!! LOL but I am HAPPY! The withdrawl symptoms are nothing like i used to feel like... or maybe they are and I just feel differently now. Whatever it is, it's good. and I love you guys and I hope if you're reading out there hating yourself for having to take pills every day to feel like a person that can actually go through life... i hope you know that you don't have to. you're not predestined to go through life miserable. it is a struggle, but you are the one that's gonna have to make that first step and just keep on walking...

Good to see you here, Stacey....

Wow, you are such a success story and I remember back, we both got clean at the same time....isn't it totally cool we stuck around long enough for the miracle to happen? I love reading your story and how awesome you get to raise your daughter clean and living life to the fullest....It's been a ride but one I'm so glad we didn't miss.....

Congrats on getting off the sub and here's to the promising future, one day at a time......

Big smooches,
Hey Stacey! That is really great! Reading your post just now truly warmed my heart. It is music to my ears to read about other's being successful! Wow...I bet your little girl has grown a lot since I last saw a pic of her.
It's good to see you and that is really, really awesome!!
Hey sweety...though I post to you I never take the time just to say.....HOW PROUD I am of you.I do remember when you first came here.Lost & broken....however YOU are an insperation to any struggling addict.I know it hasnt been easy for you,but you are alittle spitfire & you just kept on fighting the good fight.Do you really realize just how far youve come?

As far as the Sub W/d Id like to hear more about it as someday I hope to be off it myself.Mine is a very slow taper but at least my minds set on TRYING to get off it.
Anyways sweetgirl.....again Im so proud of how far youve come.
Love always
Way to go Stac. Now stick around and offer back some of the ESH to others. Really proud of you girly.
Thanks you guys. you were part of the best support team i have had yet... I will try and stick around here to see if I have anything to offer. :) Love ya'll!
Good for you. I think you should hug yourself and give urself a nice pat on the back - u deserve it.

U probably know u have a lot of challenges before u. Getting clean is a big part of the battle.

If u r anything like me and most people (from what I have gathered) u have the positive challenge of learning how to live a good, meaningful and happy life. As you know, a lot of it is a step at a time, combined with faith, courage, hope, a dream , and a lot of little steps and plans and goals.

From what I know of myself (the journey can be more then challenging) and what I have heard from many others ( the beauty and joy of life they have learned) the journey away from drugs to living a good life is more then worth the struggle.

I wish you the best and praise you for your accomplishments.
lol...I haven't been here in forever either, but I come and bump into you Stac. Congrats! I'm stuck at 2 mg in the morning and a "speck" to get to sleep at night. Hope I can get to where you are!
Hello Stac, I remember you. Weren't you good friends with Alicat? I am glad to hear you are okay and enjoying that lil girl. Keep up the great work and keep posting.
Congratulations, Stacey. I'm so proud of you.