Hello People

hello people,how is everyone doin?you that know me know that i try not to complain but today i can't help it,i have been going through some terrible back and neck pain i have been takeing celebrex with no relief in sight also been takeing alot of hot baths,also i have been excepericing severe panic and depperssion spells,my question is why is this happening now?it almost feels like a f***in withdraw all over again,but how can that be it's been over 2 months since i took narcotics,well no one said it was going to be easy i guess?anybody with a clue why this is going on let me know,in the mean time i think i will go and pump the watermellon for a while......vinny.
Vin! Maybe your back problems stem from too many watermelons...... come on, give it a rest already.

You would think that at 2 months, things would be back to normal, wouldn't you? I've got 7 and it's still not back to normal, BUT, it is 10 times better that it was 5 months ago. It takes your body and emotional state about a year to start feeling like yourself again. Think about though...what does normal feel like? I have no clue, I've been numb for 25 years.

Take it easy today, be kind to yourself and know that you will feel better tomorrow. Everyone has bad days. Even "normies".

God, your poor wife.


Hi Vinny,

I don't know if I can really help you. I can only tell you that I'm on cymbalta for depression and it has helped me a great deal. I don't know how long or severe your depressions get. But if it's something you battle from time to time then you may want to ask the doctor to try the cymbalta with you.

I have a question too for everybody. I've been really feeling good. But I can't sleep. It's been a long time since I've gotten any good sleep. I'm averaging maybe 5 hours a night. Is there anything I can take that will help me sleep? Whatever can help can't have any alcohol in it. I'm also a recovering alcoholic.

mornin' liz -

i can think of two things that might help with sleeping -

one - a brisk 30 minute walk in the late afternoon/early evening.


two - prior to retiring for the evening, take a warm bath, get into your most comfortable jammies - nestle into bed with pillows fluffed - your favorite blankie or comforter - let your body get warm and then open up the basic text of narcotics anonymous or the big book of alcoholics anonymous and start to read. puts most of us addicts in early recovery out like a light! :))

love ya and have a great day!

LOL, Sammy the big book just may work. I wish I could take a hot bath. My bathtub is too small though. I hate the size of tubs today. Can't really lay back in them.
Love ya and I hope you have a great day. :o)
Vinny, Im8 days off of sub and I've been getting a little anxiety, the only thing I can think of is our bodies are really clean of these substances and we're feeling it. Like cowgirl said even n ormies have bad days, maybe our bad days are gonna be a little worse than a normie for a while. Im going to head to the drugstore for some remedies, motrin, benedryl and whatever anybody else can recommend.
Vinny.....do you do any exercises just for you back......ask your doctor if he can recommend any exercises for whatever part of your back hurts. My hubby does them for his lower back and they help but just that area, as for the neck he just puts a towel rolled up under it and lays on the floor for like 15 min to help relieve the pressure.
Sorry thought of this after....if you have insurance see if they will pay for mobic....(celebrex didn't work) this help my husband for a few months but he had to stop taking it to get his rotator cuff repaired and when the docs put him back on it didn't work........he is planning on trying it again to see what happens now that he isn't taking the pain pills
Vinny, i was told in rehab that there was a thing we experience called PAWS, it stand for post accute withdrawl syndrom(sp).. and it means we can experience withdrwals weeks, months , years after we are clean, it sad bit true, hope you feel better soon, mitzy
vinny, pumping the watermelon will help. I will release happy chemicals...enodorphines?
I too am having the same symptoms. The pain is a b****, and I am just not ready to live like a cripple. Yoga helps me, and Sammy gave you some GREAT ADVICE...
Hang in there, the narcotics aren't worth it....JUST REMEMBER WHY YOU QUIT. If you go back, you can't play with the watermelon.
Vin- You out there man? I'm a little worried about you..
If you go back you can't play with the watermelon, good one Kerry. Sometimes the most simple line just cracks me up. Love, Kat
Vinny, I think Jaz hit the nail on the head, there are three stages to withdrawals, its imperative that we eat healthy and exercise daily to lessen these symptoms. Im currently working on developing a vitamin and supplement progarm for daily use in conjunction with eating and exercise to help me in the future. Ill let you know more as I do more research.

Good luck
Hi Kat.
I hope you are doing well today..
I have to put it in the terms they will understand. I have alot of practice with that from my kids. LOL>>>>get it?
Kerry, got you a hundred percent, do it daily, lol. Love, Kat
Vinny ~

For the panic there is an herbal supplement you can buy at the vitamin store.
Called L - Theanine. It helped me. It is all natural herbs.
Hope that helped
Vin- Do what I did. Buy a bike. I WAS riding 10 miles a day but got sick. I feel better now, so I started to ride again (did 7 miles the other day..about 2 today only) but it really releases those endorphines. And it's like only 40 degrees here. People look at me like I am crazy, but BOOM, you feel them kick in at about mile 2. One day, I rode about 20 miles. I felt like I was high. My wife just laughs. Of course, you always have the melon too. That will work also....I don't "swing" that way though..haha..
Vinny, are you doing ok?? i sure hope so, and sorry if i annoyed you, jasmine/mitzy
danny, exersize is a great idea...i get those endorphines regularly, it helps all day.