Hello There

Hi. I feel bad jumping in amongst all of this sad stuff. But I just wanted to say that I'm alive, and finished nursing school. I still have to take the boards, and then I will be Littlebeach, R.N. Now, don't think that I am fooling myself; I know my limitations. It has been almost 6 years sober (except the sub) and I feel strong. I don't think I will work in PACU and dispense meds all day, but I do say that it really does not bother me. We shall see what jobs come my way.
I wanted to say a special thanks to None and Rachel...they one day long ago called me on my talk and said "instead of TALKING of going back to school, why don't you GO back to school." A swift kick in the a** was what I needed, so thanks.
I did start smoking again after 1 and a half years nic free, and IT SUCK SO BAD. IF YOU QUIT, DO NOT GO BACK. I am now struggling again with that one, and makes me feel awful. So, tomorrow is my quit date, (again) and that is what brought me back here.
Anyway, I hope all of you are well, and life does get better.
It's really nice to see you back here LB. Very happy for you that you accomplished your dream.
Hey, I remember you. You and I cleaned up around the same time...2005?
Nice to hear your doing well.

I am so excited for you Kerri..
And so glad you just went and did it. I remember a time you questioned if you were capable enough seems you proved that one wrong many times over.
Love ya

Great to see you post, and thx for the news. You really are amazing, getting your RN and all. I only check in occasionally now, but saw your nic and had to jump in. So glad you're doing well.

Hey, anyone, what happened to Sammy? I've really been out of it, I guess. I know she had some surgeries and may have gotten back on the pill mill a bit, but I hadn't thought either was life threatening. My heart literally ached when I read that she'd passed away in her sleep.

None Read the post "Sad News"

Cause of death hasn't been shared as of yet. Tragic and unexpected though.

Take care,

HEY NONE (waving!!) So good to see you.
How odd that we all happened to check back in around the same time, huh? I hope you and your's are doing well. I remember you fondly.
love, Carol
Good for you! That is quite an accomplishment! I renewed my teaching license and went back to teaching. I had to go back to school for one summer to do this and after all these years of being out of school...it took some getting used to lol! So, I know that going back is no easy task!
Good to see you and congrats on the nursing degree!!! It is just further proof that there is life (a much better one at that) after addiction!

hello sweety,so nice to see all these posts from all our old family.good for you,,rn..that great sweety,hows your kiddies doing.your son,is he behaving himself these days?well you are so on the rite path.love my old freind,poopie
Hi Kerri,
Congradulations! You've done such amazing things with your life. I'm so proud for you!
You are truly a miracle. (((pats on the back)))
How old are those beautiful little girls now? If ever any two little girls should have been models, it's your two.
Best wishes for nothing but continued future success for you!!!
LB, oops, posted on your thread without even saying hello. Since I see you on FB, I know you're doing well.
What a great success story your's is. I will always remember your writing about withdrawal. You had the gift of making me feel every ounce of pain and misery you went through. That alone helps to keep the monster away.
Much love to you and your "Gremlins".
Congratulations LB on such an amazing accomplishment! You are an inspiration to all. With the downtrodden economy and impending healthcare reform, I went back to school, as well. I have three more classes to complete and I will have my Master's Degree.

I am so saddened to read about Sammy's passing. I haven't been on here for quite some time and was shocked to read this.

It's nice to see you Rachel...congrats on going back to school...

Littlebeach, WOW! That is so encouraging to me to see that you have got almost 6 years clean! I can't wait to say that one day. But the first step for me is to actually make it to a treatment center. The hardest part is getting there. But again, congratulations on such a wonderful accomplishment. Please, if you could, tell me how you began your recovery...