
Hi - I am getting closer to zero. yesterday and today did 1 1/2 darvocet, skipped the second half last night so will do the same tonight. I am proud of myself because when I came home from the hockey tournament in Cleveland I found out that my 13 year old daughter is being cyberbullied. Girls from school typed 30 pages of horrible things about her, call her IT and THING and saying she was ugly and everyone hates her. They had so many people involved. The sad part is two of these girls have spent so much time in my home. Sleepovers, birthday parties, dinner, movies, etc. I can't understand it. It is devastating! I know that the one girl had not been speaking to her for awhile. I didn't realize the whole situation. Turns out my daughter put her down for playing alot of different sports two years ago. Not right and it actually sounds like her. She would get mad cause the girls didn't have time to hang out so told her lacrosse was "stupid". How's that for vengence? Two years later and she's hellbent on telling everyone in the school that she smells, etc. Anyway I spoke to one of the Mom's and she completely downplayed it as "kid stuff" I have been seeing BLOOD RED since yesterday. Anybody that tries to hurt your child. But this site is not about personal issues right, only drug issues. Anyway I am proud of myself and I will be prouder tomorrow when I go see the school principal. Hope I get some decent results there. Anyway keep pulling for me I'm trying so hard. My quit date is October 8th.
I am kind of suprised you would have ANY w/d from taking 2-3 darvocet??? Actually shocked? I would think you could take 2-3 darvocet for a year straight and not have any w/d. How many were you taking before you tappered? Sorry I didn't read your story where you probally already said that?? Anyway good luck with the tapper.
Hi - I guess I've been continually taking pain pills for at least 2-3 years now with maybe a day off cause I ran out. I took anything I could get my hands on, percocet, vicadin, dilaudid, oxy, fentanyl patchs. My doc would always prescribe me 100 darvocet with 3 or 4 refills so that would be my staple. Anything else was "gravy". I took alot of perc's in the last month and weaned down to about 10 darvocets a day. I have brought myself down to 5, 4, 2 1/2 and now 1 and 1/2.Right now I feel like crap by about noon very edgy and have to go into work at 3pm to midnight for the next week. I know I'll feel crappy without them so I am weaning down to as little as possible til the 7th. This way it will be easier. I've been on them for about 20 years with a few times off. This time I am determined to quit for good!!!
good luck Alice, I hope everything works out for you

Alice, Congratulations! You are doing GREAT! IT is so hard to wean, and it sounds like you have done a good job with it. Be proud of what you have done so far and keep it up.
You can feel free to voice you problems here, especially during this hard time you are going through with W/d. I think it is very relavent. It broke my heart to read what you said about what your daughter is going through. OMG, I would be killing someone, or wanting to. LOL Middle schoolers can be little monsters, I know, because I have a 7th grade son. He has had some issues with little A** h*** kids, but I truly think it bothered me more than it did him. He has finally learned to brush things off and move on, and I hope your daughter can do the same soon. I can not imagine how hurt she is.
But stay on track, you are doing so good with your plan, What are you going to do to stay clean once you get there?
I plan on "coming out" to a family counselor soon, my family doctor and finding a meeting and staying online. We met at the school today. It started out that they said this was the worse case of harrassment and bullying they had seen. By the end of the day we were told that the girls were "just sharing personal feelings" on the internet. I am just a bit frustrated with that. MY daughter said the girls were laughing outside the principals office. So much for the seriousness of cyberbullying. Apparently they have to be writing to you and not just about you. Can say whatever they want online to another person. Does that make sense? 30 pages of name calling, (IT, THING, MAN, GAY, ALEN, UGLY, SMELLS, ETC) with a plan to lure her to the one girls house and show her all the writings and then delete them. Gotta go for now.