My husband is a crack addict , and he has agreed to see a Dr. Actually the Family Physician. Is there anyone that can tell me if this is the right direction for him to go in? I'm feel certian he has a few health problems related to his addiction and feel that this would be a great place to start. My husband seems to think that his depression has resulted in this horrible addiction. Maybe the the Dr can guide him in the right direction.
I think him seeing the doctor is a great idea....... First he is admitting to his problem...... And wants help....... That is what a doctor is for....... He will help your husband and send him to the right place for it......
Read the stuff here under addiction medication... Than talk to the doctor about it......
I will be praying for you and your husband..... My boyfriend is now (I think) in a in-patient rehab...... I say I hope because I live 500 miles away in Canada and he said he was going...... Not sure when or if I'll hear from him..... Has your husband ever gone this route??? I'm just wondering if it's normal for him not to contact me??? Or maybe once again he lied and he's just gone off again..... Being he got kicked out of his house, he would have to be on the street......It's suppose to be a 30 day treatment..... I just wonder how they can get better in such a short period of time.......
Read the stuff here under addiction medication... Than talk to the doctor about it......
I will be praying for you and your husband..... My boyfriend is now (I think) in a in-patient rehab...... I say I hope because I live 500 miles away in Canada and he said he was going...... Not sure when or if I'll hear from him..... Has your husband ever gone this route??? I'm just wondering if it's normal for him not to contact me??? Or maybe once again he lied and he's just gone off again..... Being he got kicked out of his house, he would have to be on the street......It's suppose to be a 30 day treatment..... I just wonder how they can get better in such a short period of time.......
hey, i thaught id let you know somthing. im 19 years old and come from a good family, i met my boyfriend at the end of the year 2003, july time. it started off i was only using ecstacy, and quickly i moved on to crack, coke
it almost ruined my life, and i can honestly say that it needs time to over come it wont just happen over night. i advise he sees a doctor and i pray for you and for him because crack is a nasty drug, but it is possible to beat the addiction. keep gad close and pray for him. help is the best option, a recovery centre or somthing.
i pray for you, good luck and god bless
it almost ruined my life, and i can honestly say that it needs time to over come it wont just happen over night. i advise he sees a doctor and i pray for you and for him because crack is a nasty drug, but it is possible to beat the addiction. keep gad close and pray for him. help is the best option, a recovery centre or somthing.
i pray for you, good luck and god bless
I really feel sorry for you. For all family of crack-addicts.
IMHO the right direction for him to go in is any direction in which he actively attempts to rehabilitate himself.
I personally don't believe much in rehabs, but rather in support from recovering peers. Rehabillitation is not a cure - it's a lifestyle. A skill that has to be learned.
The lies, cunningness and deceit that goes along with addiction is scary! Please be alert! You may find that on the one hand, he genuinely seems to want to quit the habit, only to do it behind your back. To find an escape route away from you just long enough to go have "just one hit". The excuses for coming home late, or the next day, and in some cases I know of, a few weeks later... don't be fooled for one minute!
It takes over the victim's life. Starts destroying normal brain functioning, and before you can say OMG, it has transformed them into wolves in sheep's clothing! Money and items of value, I would advise to keep locked up safe. The addict must not take alcohol at all - it's a big trigger, since it removes inhibition. I bet you $100000000 that if you gave him $1000 and a bottle of whisky that he would be smoking in a crack-house before the night is over!
They get the highs, and you get the lows. It destroys you life along with theirs. You become the victim.
If he really wants to quit, then he must go himself. He has to clean up his act all alone. You can support his efforts in this regard, but you cannot take him. But he needs motivation to do this. He will not do it for you, or family or anything. If he has only just experimented, then maybe a doctor can help, if he's scared of it, or jumps up, rushing off to get help. See?
The very fact that you two have all this time to ask at a forum whether this might be the way to go says out loud to me that he has no intention of stopping.
IMO he is now well on a downhill road, and he will drag you down with him. Your life is about to be made a living hell. Your sympathy will be used against you. Welcome to hell!
Unless he gets of his a** and goes and cleans up his act all by himself, never disappears from you, talks openly about how he feels... like when he feels a craving, he tells you and insists on going to see a councillor, doctor, or some fellow recovering addict from Narcotics Anonymous, the descent into hell will be rather swift. I think NA is a good idea, since it gives addicts a chance to speak with fellow recovering addicts who know exactly what he is going through, and he can communicate freely with them. Would you ask a Navy Seal how to bake a cake? Then why ask a doctor how to cure a crack-addiction? Better to ask those in-the-know - people who have been where he is, and way further down that very same road, and are successfully making the turnabout... some people I have met there have been in successful active recovery for over 10 years!
So if the above is not the case, which suspect not, then it is going to require you to practice some tough-love here, and protect yourself at all costs! If there are children, then please consider this seriously.
He will need to hit "Rock-Bottom" (excuse the pun!). He will need to lose everything - well, enough to finally motivate him to hate his addiction, and finally begin to fight it with every bullet he can find, make or borrow!
My advice: If he is not actively persuing recovery on his own, and is disappearing, then give him ONE ultimatum... many ultimatums defeat the purpose... an ultimatum is meant to be final! Otherwise it is not an ultimatum...
Then get out. You are in a house that is burning to the ground. If it is your house, then he needs to get out, so the fire-dept can douse the flames!
Then he has lost you. So far, so good. Once he has lost enough, then he may make a turnabout. The ultimatum should cover this: Clean up, or lose me. When he loses you, since you love him, you offer him a choice: I'm outa here - we can keep in contact while you are cleaning up, and I will help you morally. No financial support, though - since the dealers will get this money in around 5 seconds after he gets it! Once you have proven you are in active recovery, and are serious about life again, then we can get back together and start our lives again.
This is where I am now at. Two years down the road... two years in hell!
IMHO the right direction for him to go in is any direction in which he actively attempts to rehabilitate himself.
I personally don't believe much in rehabs, but rather in support from recovering peers. Rehabillitation is not a cure - it's a lifestyle. A skill that has to be learned.
The lies, cunningness and deceit that goes along with addiction is scary! Please be alert! You may find that on the one hand, he genuinely seems to want to quit the habit, only to do it behind your back. To find an escape route away from you just long enough to go have "just one hit". The excuses for coming home late, or the next day, and in some cases I know of, a few weeks later... don't be fooled for one minute!
It takes over the victim's life. Starts destroying normal brain functioning, and before you can say OMG, it has transformed them into wolves in sheep's clothing! Money and items of value, I would advise to keep locked up safe. The addict must not take alcohol at all - it's a big trigger, since it removes inhibition. I bet you $100000000 that if you gave him $1000 and a bottle of whisky that he would be smoking in a crack-house before the night is over!
They get the highs, and you get the lows. It destroys you life along with theirs. You become the victim.
If he really wants to quit, then he must go himself. He has to clean up his act all alone. You can support his efforts in this regard, but you cannot take him. But he needs motivation to do this. He will not do it for you, or family or anything. If he has only just experimented, then maybe a doctor can help, if he's scared of it, or jumps up, rushing off to get help. See?
The very fact that you two have all this time to ask at a forum whether this might be the way to go says out loud to me that he has no intention of stopping.
IMO he is now well on a downhill road, and he will drag you down with him. Your life is about to be made a living hell. Your sympathy will be used against you. Welcome to hell!
Unless he gets of his a** and goes and cleans up his act all by himself, never disappears from you, talks openly about how he feels... like when he feels a craving, he tells you and insists on going to see a councillor, doctor, or some fellow recovering addict from Narcotics Anonymous, the descent into hell will be rather swift. I think NA is a good idea, since it gives addicts a chance to speak with fellow recovering addicts who know exactly what he is going through, and he can communicate freely with them. Would you ask a Navy Seal how to bake a cake? Then why ask a doctor how to cure a crack-addiction? Better to ask those in-the-know - people who have been where he is, and way further down that very same road, and are successfully making the turnabout... some people I have met there have been in successful active recovery for over 10 years!
So if the above is not the case, which suspect not, then it is going to require you to practice some tough-love here, and protect yourself at all costs! If there are children, then please consider this seriously.
He will need to hit "Rock-Bottom" (excuse the pun!). He will need to lose everything - well, enough to finally motivate him to hate his addiction, and finally begin to fight it with every bullet he can find, make or borrow!
My advice: If he is not actively persuing recovery on his own, and is disappearing, then give him ONE ultimatum... many ultimatums defeat the purpose... an ultimatum is meant to be final! Otherwise it is not an ultimatum...
Then get out. You are in a house that is burning to the ground. If it is your house, then he needs to get out, so the fire-dept can douse the flames!
Then he has lost you. So far, so good. Once he has lost enough, then he may make a turnabout. The ultimatum should cover this: Clean up, or lose me. When he loses you, since you love him, you offer him a choice: I'm outa here - we can keep in contact while you are cleaning up, and I will help you morally. No financial support, though - since the dealers will get this money in around 5 seconds after he gets it! Once you have proven you are in active recovery, and are serious about life again, then we can get back together and start our lives again.
This is where I am now at. Two years down the road... two years in hell!
Their Highs, I'm ashamed to say it, but I've been in the burning house now for 4 years. My life has been a living hell. His addiction has also become my addiction. I spend my every waking minute sorting through my thoughts wondering what to do next. Financially, we ( I say we b/c I have allowed this to happen) have lost lots and emotionally I have lost my dignity. He has nothing else to lose except Me and our daughter. It's been one week now.... since his last use. I could tell yesturday that it was really getting to him. He has an appointment this week to wee the Dr. I do realize that he has to help himself, b/c I have tried effortlessly without results. I hate the life that I'm living!