I just happened upon this web site today. I am in the process of helping my 21 year old daughter detox from heroine. We are on day 2 of this living hell. She is doing this by self medicating herself. I have no idea if what we are giving her is safe. She can't sleep, she is extremely agitated and constantly wants more drugs.
I read on some of the other posts about prescriptions that others have taken for withdrawl symptoms. How do I get these???
Any physican could prescribe them but a psychiatrist is better and best is a psychiatrist specializing in addiction medicine.
If your in managed care they could give you names.
It's important for her success to go to a 12 step program such as narcotics anonymous www.na.orGood luck,
If your in managed care they could give you names.
It's important for her success to go to a 12 step program such as narcotics anonymous www.na.orGood luck,
I understand completely your pain for your daughter and the days when anyone is trying to get off heroin are incredibly hard, almost intolerable. I personaly could never held out the time that i needed to, even after seven days of pain and frustration i would go out and get a dose . I'm a bit older than your daughter and i've been addicted to heroin since seventeen. Now, i've been clean for 9 months with the help of a naltrexone implant, it is a drug antogonist, it blocks heroin and even if you still shoot up, you would get no effect. Naltrexone either comes in pills or a pellet. Go on the internet and search for a NALTREXONE TREATMENT CENTER, it should be in New Jersey and i only have their phone number: 1 (856) 663-447 and go on the site to find out more. It saved my life and is keeping me alive so far, maybe it'll help you too -good luck.