Help From Meth Hell

anyone know what to do my best friends husb. want help but doesnt know what to do, hes been hooked on crys meth for a couple yrs. has 2 beautiful and a good woman, but still chooses to do drugs, he recently asked for help and we dont know what to do is there some sort of meds to take to help with w/ds? or is there even any w/ds? i just cant believe what this nasty drug is capable of doing, so any suggestions would br helpful, we live in Indiana thanks
I have been on meth with my husband for 2 years but was able to stop when I got pregnant - my husband, however, remained on it for 3 more years. We finally got him help, but he still fights it every day. Some meds that did help (I work for a Dr. so we were able to be real honest and get some help) were Buspar-for the mood changes, Cylert(to help with his energy level), Librium (to help with the "bush narcs", and people that were chasing him) So we take it day by day and have been a few weeks clean with him. Meth is a HORRIBLE drug that I don't know if enough people know about it's long term effects yet! It takes a long time to get your life back after it - best of luck to you and your family - you can e-mail me if you want. I would be happy to help any way I can - God Bless!