Help I Need Help

its been a few years for me posting on here. what im looking for is the list of things to buy to help get through the withdrawl of oxy,percocet and t3s. sister is on day6 and is on a roller coaster. when will the leg shaking and symptoms of opiate withdrawl stop. any help is greatly appreciated. thanks
Cant post the way Id like to but may I suggest very hot baths & lavender oil on her lrgs & joint.
Ill be on in the AM until than my thoughts will be with you both,

Welcome back CS, I remember you.

If your sister is on day six, then the symptoms should start to subside soon. As far as stuff you can buy that will help with the symptoms I'm of no help. Nothing really works in my opinion anyway, and I'm not a doctor so I wouldn't recommend anything other than lots of water, and just giving herself time. She could always go to a doctor or the ER and they can help manage some of her symptoms. Good luck, and I hope your sister feels better soon.

Hi CS,

In my experience, the symptoms you are describing are pretty normal. I think I remember one
person here who went nine days w/o sleep. He said , it isn't fun , but it won't kill you.

There are potassium pills and something called Hyland's Leg Cramps with Quinine to help with leg cramps, but, I just ate bananas which have a lot of potassium in them ( as do potatoes, green beans, and cantaloupe).

B 12 helps you regain mental and physical strength.

What helped me the MOST though were really hot bath with epsom salts to sweat out the toxins and relax my legs, a lot, lot of water, and any exercise ( walking, stretching )to get the natural endophins going again.

Wishing the best for you and your sister.

thanks guys.its unfourtunate but i will stand by and help her through this.someone had a list of things to help with the withdrawl. if anyone remembers please share. lots of hot baths and the b12 i remember. will post again soon.
As far as physical w/d goes all the above posts pretty much covered it. But I believe that some of the physical symptoms are worsened or brought on by the mental w/d symptoms. You could help your sister a lot by keeping her mind busy thinking of other things. Movies are good or reading a book. I enjoy music when I am struggling. Maybe you could get her to go out for a car ride or something simple. For me I know that showering first thing every morning and getting dressed, even if it's just sweats, and trying to eat breakfast and find little things to do throughout the day helped a lot. And most importantly, just keep praying. I will be praying for you both.
