Help Me Help Him!!!!

I need to know what I can/can't do to help someone get off Meth. When is enough, enough on my part and how do I say I can't do this anymore without giving up on the person? Does anyone have any suggestions?
Unfortunately there is not much you can do other than state how you feel about his use, and what you allow to go on in your life . An addict will only quit when they decide they no longer want to use .

Odds are the harder you push him to stop ....the more he will use, or at a minimum will start hiding his use from you .

Talk to him when he is not wired or high . Tell him how You feel about his using ...and if he continues to use you need to rethink the relationship .. Because you do ....Read through this site and others will find story after story of how the loving partners of meth addicts get drug down along with them .

He should feel fortunate that someone cares enough about him to look for answers.....try and support him if he puts forth the effort to stop

Best wishes, and thank you for caring about his addiction

Thank you for the reply. I had the opportunity to talk with him and he hasn't had a fix since a week from this last Friday. Sleeping it off mostly. I have never been around it nor ever anyone that does it. Here is the thing.... He told me he can quit on his own. In the meantime, he will use weed until another issue comes up that he doesn't want to confront, and then here we go again. It seems he always has to use something. I have been here several times before and it is almost like it is ground hog day all over again. I know no one can tell me when I have had enough. I am the one that holds the card there. Why I have hung on? when he isn't on the stuff, he is wonderful and if there is a chance he wants to recover, I don't want to turn my back on him. At the same time, I am cheating myself. I want to grow old with someone, a best friend, someone to share the Lord with, someone that thinks of me and not always them first, new goals...I don't want to be selfish and just think of me, but I am being forced to. I know where I was and where I am today, and you hit it right when you said he would drag me down. Mentally, physically, spiritually, material....That is where I am. I have even questioned my love for him. It is almost like it has turned into me being his mother. I know there are no easy answers and it will take me saying no more. In a sense I know it sounds like I am answering my own questions. I just don't want to walk away if he is truly serious about a life change. So I guess my question is, Can he quit without extended help or treatment?
I feel the same way. I've considered breaking up with my bf to maybe make him realise that he's gonna lose a good thing but I'm afraid he'll just continue using and that it will worsen. He also uses weed if he's not on it an he has started hiding his use from me and when i do find out he gets angry and then tells me he can stop when he wants. I just stop arguing after that cos what's the point. I wish there was an easy solution to this. I've contacted Narconon (Dawn - 0217888738) who gave me numbers to call and suggested meetings that family and friends can attend to help them deal with this.