Help Me Please

I am trying to quit using vicodin. I have quit for only a couple of days in the past, I went right back to the pills when I started to feel physically really bad. I understand that I will have to go through the detox and symptoms but I am scaredI currently take about 25 pills a day. If I stop cold turker will I die, or am I just going to feel like Im dying? please help Where do I start?
Hi didi, ct off of opiates isnt life threatening unless you have other health problems. Thats a high amount to come off of, can you taper down over a period of time before you quit? Some people here have tapered and it really helped.

Good luck,
Welcome, Didi-
Tapering si a good thing, but there are things you should know:
1. It works better if you can have someone hold the pills for you and give you a reduced amount everyday.
2. Know that the end of you supply is coming and prepare for detox by getting
-immodium for diahrrea
-Advil for aches
-Benadryl for anxiety and sleep
-water or gatorade to replenish fluids

If you try to taper on your own, (like I tried and I cheated) it's alot harder. Have you come clean to anyone? I told my husband and he's been supportive.

Good luck, keep posting. You can do this; you HAVE to do this for your health and sanity.
Thanks for your help and to answer your question no I have not come clesn to anyone I too ashamed
betsy I have no clue what sort of tapering time frame would be good?
didi, most of us were too ashamed to tell anyone, thats why this web site is great, but Betsy's right its hard to taper without help even a friend that lives nearby can help.
I couldnt taper because i always cheated so Im no help there, maybe Betsy can tell you her schedule.
I finally told my wife and she was very supportive and I should have told her from the start

Hi Didi,
I've read many times over that opiate withdrawl is not life threatening, so I don't think you'll die. Awhile back, I took too much tylenol and ended up almost dying and in the hospital. The tylenol is more toxic than the narcotic. And long term use/abuse can cause serious liver damage. That was the scariest thing that ever happened to me. I woke up in the hospital and was told that I almost died and they had to do all kinds of nasty stuff to me on the way and when I got there. The warning on tylenol is not to take more than 4000mg a day and I'm sure they don't mean all at once, so if you think about it, and your doing say five or six pills at a time and the mg. of tylenol is 500, thats 2500-3000mgs AT ONCE. I heard they're thinking of lowering the tylenol safe dose daily to 2500mg. And thats taking it as directed, which I never did. So, beside the narcotic withdrawl think about what is happening to your liver with the tylenol alone. Hopefully it gives you a little mental ammunition and reason to stay off of it. Stick around tho, this is a really good board with lots of caring people.
Lots of different people too, clean, sober, clean and sober, wanting to be clean, using, just all kinds of us. I wish you all the best, just keep the tylenol thing in mind. I have noticed that its overlooked quite a bit and I really can speak from first hand experience when I say don't ignore the tylenol warning.
Best to you,
Yeah, Didi, shame is something we all have to deal with.

I am not ashamed that I am an addict. Research shows that some people are just prone to addiction, much like some people are right or left handed! I know many people, like my husband, who caould take one pain pill and then forget he ever had them; he is not an addict.

For me, the shame lies in things I did when I was using. I screwed up a lot of things, like my finances and my job, and my relationships.

Please consider looking for a counselor, an addiction doctor ( who could help you taper under medical supervision) or Narcotics Anonymous. I go to a group that has alcoholics, crack & coke addicts, and they welcomed me even tho my addiction is pills.

You'll feel a great sense of relief if you tell someone in person. You've already got a great start by coming here!!!!
Hi Betsy,
Don't want to take away from Didi's post, just wanted to pop in and say hi to you. How is WI? I hear you guys got some half way decent weather lately?
Where in WI are you at now? I plan on going back hopefully this year to see friends, I do miss it at times. That was so wierd that you were from Rapids. Small world after all, eh? Anyways, I hope all is well with you and that you have a good weekend.
Didi, the third day is always the hardest since it takes 72 hours for your body to get rid of the drugs in your system, from there it gets easier physically but the mental part is the hardest. Betsy gave you ideas on what to do for that and of course spend some time on the board as your going through this, theres a lot of great people who wont judge you and will share their experience.

I want to add that my addiction was to barbiturates, not opiates like vic's or oxy's. (Although I certainly took those too when I could get them!)

So I'd rather not recommend a tapering schedule. Maybe someone else who went thru vicodin wd can help.

I can only relate my story. I was taking between 10 15 hydrocodones per day when I realized that I likely killing myself and that even when I took the pills, I no longer felt high. I knew I was going to keep popping pills until my liver exploded or I was going to quit. I opted to quit!

I tapered quickly in about a week, taking two less pills each day, and then only taking a few in the morning. Finally, I flushed my last 4, which was a turning point for me. I felt empowered. That was December 20, and I have not taken a pain pill since.

The withdrawals were uncomfortable, but not as bad as I was fearing. Like others here have said, OTC medicine, like Motrin and Imodium help. The physical symptoms lasted about a week. The exhaustion lasted about two weeks. The insomnia lasted about a month.

If you would like any more information, please feel free to ask. You CAN do this. You can find a lot of information, different opinions, and a lot of caring and support here.

thanks for all the great info. I have been writting down a taper schedule to try, Im also writting down the many reasons I have to quit- I have so many. I also have had many great job offers but the one thing that holds me back is my fear of failing a drug test. How long does it take for the pills to get out of your system? Do they even show up in a drug screen? I think if I could just get off of these stuped things I could have my dream job....these pills are really holding me back

welcome to the board, you are powerless over this evil addiction, you cant do it alone. heed the advice of all these great people. we will be here and we do want to help unconditionally. none of us are any different then the rest when it comes to being addicts. hang in there keep asking questions. start applying some of these ideas to your life now. and yes your dreams can and will come true as long as you never give up on them or yourself. you are so worth it. you deserve the best that life has to offer as we all do. i look forward to knowing you better. hang in there and stick around. we do care : ) and want to help.helping you helps us : )

I suggest that you find a doctor that can prescribe suboxone and you draw up a treatment plan with that doctor. Why go through w/d when you don't have to?
so some research you withdrawl off sub as well. choose what best fits you for your needs.

might i add i used a detox doc that gave me non narcotic meds to help ease the symptoms, there are lots of options and choices. best of luck.

hi. I just stopped taking vicodin 7 days ago. I tapered down to two a day and then stopped cold turkey. It sucked for the first 4 days but then the physical went away but i have been feeling real tired since then. If i can do it you can. I would ween yourself down some so it wont be so tuff. You can do it! I just came to this site yesterday and it helps so much. Good Luck and God Bless!!
what is suboxone I have never heard of it. someone said their md prescribed them some non narcotic meds to help with the w/d symptoms what meds were they
Hi didi,suboxone is a opiate that dr's give you to get off drugs such as heroin,percs,oc's ect.i was taking about 20-25 percs a day and i started the suboxone treatment last thusday,ive been on it for 10 days now and all i can say about the drug is WOW!!!!!!!!ive been to detox and i relapsed and i heard about suboxone online and i didnt want to take time out of work and so far my experience has been unbelievable!!!my dr told me i will be on this for 12 weeeks so all i have to suggest is anyone coming off pills give this suboxone a try,it saved my life!!!!!! god bless all!!!!!!!! Aaron