I don't if anyone remembers me or not but I was addicted to norco 10/325 but came to my senses and decided I had to quit. Well that lasted about a month and then 2 things happened I injured my back but even worse than that my husband got an email from an old girlfriend who he had never quite gotten over. Now he has not been sure that I am who he wants. He is unaware of my addiction then and now.
I have turned to those wicked things again to take away my pain which I know is a sh$$$ excuse. I want off of them and I want off now. I remember how horrible it was before coming off. If I quit cold turkey right now can someone remind me what days are the worst and how long it will take. I think before I started on Thursday and was able to work on Monday does that sound right?
I have 11 left would it be easier to withdrawl on a 4 pill then 3 pill and so on or does it matter.
I am so mad I am where I am again and withwhat is going on with my husband I am raw. HELP
Irisheyes, Yes, I remember you and am very sorry to hear of your troubles. That is really tough, and your husband sucks.LOL I assume you still love him, and want this to work out, but I'd be tempted to pack his bags and tell him his decision has been made for him. Again, I know it's easier for me to say that than it is for you to do it.
One thing I can promise you is that you will get through this crisis much better if you are clean and not numb. Saving your marriage is a pretty darn good reason to get your brain cleared out, if you need another one.
Are you very sure your husband isn't aware of your addiction? Many of us though we had our loved ones fooled, but of course we found out how wrong we were once we got our lives back together.
Not sure about how you'd want to handle your taper, but I would just flush all that you have and go a head and get on with it. If you can not do that, just taper each day, cutting your intake by one pill daily, until they are gone, then jump.
Good luck with the taper, the withdrawal, and your marriage. 'I hate to hear about wives having to contend with cheating men, really hate it. I don't remember if you have kids together or not, but I really hope your husband is aware that he is wrecking their little lives if you do.
One thing I can promise you is that you will get through this crisis much better if you are clean and not numb. Saving your marriage is a pretty darn good reason to get your brain cleared out, if you need another one.
Are you very sure your husband isn't aware of your addiction? Many of us though we had our loved ones fooled, but of course we found out how wrong we were once we got our lives back together.
Not sure about how you'd want to handle your taper, but I would just flush all that you have and go a head and get on with it. If you can not do that, just taper each day, cutting your intake by one pill daily, until they are gone, then jump.
Good luck with the taper, the withdrawal, and your marriage. 'I hate to hear about wives having to contend with cheating men, really hate it. I don't remember if you have kids together or not, but I really hope your husband is aware that he is wrecking their little lives if you do.
Hi Irish - It's been a while. I'm sorry to hear all of your troubles. You did well before and you can do it again! You sound really determined this time. The worst of the physical withdraw has always been 3-5 days. Most of us will say that we could never miss a week of work to lay in bed with withdrawal. However if you had the flu you would have no choice but do so. This is your life at stake here. Do what you have to do for you. The rest will work itself out.
I'm finding that getting clean is a whole lot easier than living clean. Everytime I have a upsetment getting high is the first thing I think of. I have been going to meetings and they are helping tremendously. I don't think I could have gotten this far on my own. It helps to know that you are not the only one that does this crazy stuff. Keep posting and keep trying. You are worth it!
I'm finding that getting clean is a whole lot easier than living clean. Everytime I have a upsetment getting high is the first thing I think of. I have been going to meetings and they are helping tremendously. I don't think I could have gotten this far on my own. It helps to know that you are not the only one that does this crazy stuff. Keep posting and keep trying. You are worth it!
Alice, I think going to meetings is one of the best things you can do to learn to resist those impulses to use. Think of meetings as putting money in the bank for a rainy day.
The support reinforces our commitment to just not use. We see others who have made it through those crises and that gives us hope.
Alice, they told me early on that sooner or later, nothing but God would stand between me and using. They were right.
They told me early on that when you get squirrely, it is time to work a step. I hope you are calling your sponsor on a regular basis. She is there to help you get started. Thinking about it is hard. Just doing it is actually a lot easier.
Just know that I am the founding member of the AliceP fan club; your number one cyber cheerleader in sobriety. Internet recovery boards will not keep you sober, but know that there is at least one soul (and probably many more) rooting for you out here in the ether.
The recovery and the steps are best worked in the "real" world though, not cyberspace. Too easy to stay in your head in cyberspace and any addict who is alone with his or her thoughts is in very, very poor company.
Hang in there,
The support reinforces our commitment to just not use. We see others who have made it through those crises and that gives us hope.
Alice, they told me early on that sooner or later, nothing but God would stand between me and using. They were right.
They told me early on that when you get squirrely, it is time to work a step. I hope you are calling your sponsor on a regular basis. She is there to help you get started. Thinking about it is hard. Just doing it is actually a lot easier.
Just know that I am the founding member of the AliceP fan club; your number one cyber cheerleader in sobriety. Internet recovery boards will not keep you sober, but know that there is at least one soul (and probably many more) rooting for you out here in the ether.
The recovery and the steps are best worked in the "real" world though, not cyberspace. Too easy to stay in your head in cyberspace and any addict who is alone with his or her thoughts is in very, very poor company.
Hang in there,
Irish-Well,the withdrawls don't get any better but you can do it.Try tapering down if you can but that never worked for me.I had to flush them.The physical sickness last about the same.It's worth it so give it a go.