Help Me Quit

Hi guys sorry to interrupt but I was frantically searching the web for advice on how to stop taking lortabs. I have been taking them for 1 year now and I now know I'm ready to quit. I started taking them when my boyfriend had a lot of surgeries on his leg and he would give them to me for my headaches. Yes he is addicted too but he thinks he needs them for his pain (thats not true},Okay now can anyone please tell me how to quit. I have 3 children who depend on me everyday so everytime I try to stop I lash out them then I feel so bad that I get more pills to make me nicer.Please Please talk to me.
Luckyducky... Welcome! Im glad that you took a leap of faith and posted... Have you had a chance to read any old posts? You will find by reading, there are a lot of people in your shoes. There is also a lot of good advice on tapering, and going cold turkey. This has been a wonderful place for me to vent, ask questions and get a lot of support. I am so new to this, and Im sure that many will read your post, and before you know it, many answers to your questions. The main thing that I want you to know is, that you are not alone... if you truly want to quit you will find a way to do it, and be that clean mom that you want to be! I have 3 kids myself, a wonderful husband, and they are the reason that Im on the road to recovery! Just keep posting, and you will find good healthy support here. Shabee
Thank you so much for the support.You have no idea how nervous I was about telling anyone about my problems.I just want to be the way I used to be before those dang pills!
I have been right where you are at. You are on the road to a whole new journey... recovery. If you have been searching for a place to land, and really want to stop using you have just taken your first step. I was on the web searching, and searching for answers... how to stop using (my doc was vicodin), and what it would take to stop. I hid my addiction from all my friends, and family. They all know now, and it is so freeing. You can do this! If you get on the board tomorrow, you will get a ton of support. Just keep posting!
Its so crazy , I would not have dreamed that I could be so controlled by just a little pill. Everything I do revolves around this and I hate myself for letting it get so out of hand. No one knows about my addiction except my boyfriend and we are both trying to get to the help we need without going to rehab.He works and I'm a stay at home mom who needs to work now that we have spent so much of our money on pills. I take 8 tens a day, when we run out we always get them somewhere.
I just want to say, that I am SO proud of you realizing that you need to quit. I know right now that all of this is overwhelming, and scary at the same time. YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I am so sorry but Im off to bed. I will look for you in the morning. Hang tight, there will be others Im sure, that will come and offer support to you. If you have time right now, go back and read some of the old posts... they are very helpful, and you just might find a lot of comfort in reading. This is something that I did when I first found this sight. Good luck to you... and keep posting. I know that this is scary, but you are doing the right thing. Shabee
Hi luckyducky,

Glad you posted and that you're seeking ways to quit. This was the first place that I posted my "secret" as well. In my case at least, speaking (or writing) the truth did in fact start me on the road to freedom ....freedom from the hydro 10s I was taking, at least.

There are lots of ways to quit as long as you have the desire and are sick and tired of your addiction. One word of caution, though. It will be extremely difficult for you to quit if your live-in boyfriend is still using. If you read the posts on here, you'll see what others' experiences have been with that. Not good. So you may need to draw some pretty firm boundaries there...

OK, if rehab is not an option and you're taking 8-10 hydro a day, you could quit cold turkey and endure 3-5 days of severe flu-like symptoms and restless legs, with sleep difficulties likely persisting a bit longer. Or you could taper down to a lesser daily amount and then quit. I was taking 20-30 a day, tapered down to 6/day over the course of 2 weeks, then went c/t. The withdrawals were not fun but my fear of them exceeded the reality. Ideally, it's recommended that you quit under a doctor's supervision, since he/she can monitor your blood pressure, etc., and provide medication to ease some of the w/d symptoms.

Most of us have found that quitting and staying quit present two different challenges. It's a good idea -- some would say essential (I'm one of those) -- to develop a plan for your ongoing recovery. The mental disease of addiction persists long after the physical withdrawals are done. I've quit drinking, smoking, and now pain pills, and without question, pain pills have been the most insidious mental addiction of all three. To help counteract that, I go to AA and NA meetings regularly, mostly AA, attend counseling once per week, and try to give back to (and learn from) others on this Board. I get a lot from all three, and I need it.

I hope this is of some help. There is a lot of varied experience on this Board; you'll find what works for you. Glad you're here. M.