My husband and I have been together for 11 years with a 3 year old daughter. We have a high reputation to keep in our local community, due to my husband's business and we own many rental properties. My husband has smoked pot ever since I have known him. He knows I don't like it and it seems to get worse every year. It seems pretty bad when you spend $1000 per month on it for one person. This last year has been the worst. We have fought so bad. I finally left for 3 days once when he actually physically hurt me. He hasn't done it since. But I am just coming to the realization that our fighting isn't about other things, but it all stems back to him being stoned. His abusive, jealous, personality. I am just learning about his addiction and never realized what it did to him. When I read about the personality of an addict, I see him. At this point I just don't know if I should stay in this house with him and try to work things out or leave until he quits. I feel like I am in prison here. And the worse part is that our 3 year old daughter is right in the middle. Please help me with any information. Thank You.
I am sorry to hear about your situation. I would agree that you husband does have a problem. So many people think pot is harmless, it isn't. You need to think about both you and your daughters safety first. You need to take control and if that means leaving do it. I grew up in a family that was all about appearences, and it is a hard thing to deal with. My mom finally divorced my dad because of his drinking problem, and for a while things where difficult for us in town, but then people realized that my mom was her own person and a good person at that. There is always a hard time that goes with addiction, no matter what side you are on. Stay strong, find support, and look after you and your daughter. I worry about your daughter and you because of the abuse that went on in our family. In my opinion doing anything you find wrong is strong cause to leave. Please stay safe, and I will be watching for you.
i have been in two relationships of marijuana abusers with both partners, iam still currently with one of them. i can understand how u feel, believe me it does not change it only gets worse with time and a 1000 dollars is an awful lot! can u be sure it is only that? my advice to u is to leave him or he gets help, or u will have to live and deal with it and take him for what he is which isnt nice when they start physically abusing u, he may have not done it again but u can count on the fact if he goes without it u and your child will cop the brunt of his withdrawal ,walking on egg shells to keep the peace, hey u do have a choice u can stay put up with it or leave and find happiness! by the way my x i left still smokes 20 yrs in the making. dont allow him to make u feel responsible for his addiction. good luck to you. from someone that has been through it. be happy make the right choice
are you sure it is just pot, it sounds like alot more. be careful
Hi, I am very sorry to hear about your situation. I understand what the fighting is like. If it is leading to actual physical contact then you need to get yourself out.Please do not take this in an ill manner,but I have been around pot my entire life and really have never known anyone to act the way that you have explained your husbands actions. Are you sure that it isn't something else? The money is an awful lot for pot and the behavior doesnt seem normal of a habitual smoker. Different things effect people differently, but I also know how well an addict can hide their unknown habits to those who are unfamiliar with warning signs. I will pray for you. I know that you are going thru a difficult time.Take care of yourself and child.Thats most important.
well, as the adult son of an alcoholic, i can tell you, if the idea is to protect the children, there's more to it than just physical abuse.
for a child, living with an active alcoholic or an addict has more ill effects than you can tell on the surface. some of the problems with the children manifest themselves immediately or when they are young -- many are latent and don't manifest themselves until the teen years or adulthood. then the explosions come.
the problems are deeper than you think.
with some children, once they get older and look back, and the problems start or manifest themselves, the ill will is towards the sober parent for leaving them in the situation and not re-acting and protecting them when they were younger.
for a child, living with an active alcoholic or an addict has more ill effects than you can tell on the surface. some of the problems with the children manifest themselves immediately or when they are young -- many are latent and don't manifest themselves until the teen years or adulthood. then the explosions come.
the problems are deeper than you think.
with some children, once they get older and look back, and the problems start or manifest themselves, the ill will is towards the sober parent for leaving them in the situation and not re-acting and protecting them when they were younger.
My brother went to treatment and it saved his life.
We are from Vancouver, B.C. and went a fantastic treatment center on Bowen Island, B.C.. He is still clean and sober two years later.
Good luck
Expect A Miracle
We are from Vancouver, B.C. and went a fantastic treatment center on Bowen Island, B.C.. He is still clean and sober two years later.
Good luck
Expect A Miracle