My husband is an addict, I found this out about 2 and a half years ago after our first daughter was born. then it was crank. I never saw the signs. (I never experimented with drugs) I stuck with him and got him clean. Then he hurt his knee and had to have surgery. After that I pushed him to get back to work. He said his knee wasn't better but he worked. After a while he stopped complaining about the pain so I figured he was getting better.
now after a year he confessed he was addicted to oxy. he got from " a friend" some friend huh. anyway he was up to 12 pills a day and fealing good. I gave him an ultimatum I was then 8 months pregnant with our 2nd child. he needed to get off the pills. He went to the dr. who was helping, but he is still on pills and can buy them when ever he needs more. I don't understand addiction and I don't understand how this is soo hard to get off Itold him I'm leaving but he said he's really trying we have 2 beautiful girls and hes a Great father how do I get through this is there really a way to get off. every time he try's he says his knees hurt SOoo much. is it possible his knee is still injured or a ploy to make me give up my push to get him off these pills. Please help I cant go on like this forever!!
i dont believe 'push' will do anything, but love and compassion and trying to understand will go along way.
tell him how you feel about it and what it does to you and why you are 'pushing' so hard. good luck
for what it's worth
i dont believe 'push' will do anything, but love and compassion and trying to understand will go along way.
tell him how you feel about it and what it does to you and why you are 'pushing' so hard. good luck
for what it's worth
Thank you for your kind words. You are right push is not the right word but some times I feel like I need to push or even kick him. But I do understand what you meen. I am trying to be as supportive as possible considering how scary this is for me.
HELP - I think my husband may be addicted to oxy, or perhaps going through the withdrawal on his own. I don't know what the symptoms of either are. Can anyone tell me? I just want to get him help & be supportive but not enabling.
Dear Worried Mommy - I would very much like to speak to you as I feel I am going through the same thing. Although my husband has not admitted to me that he has an addiction, I have heard it from others. I don't know what to do. There has been unexplainable money missing and he says his job is stressing him out resulting in the mood swings and eating and sleeping probs. He's now taken some time off to visit his family and I'm hoping he'll open up to them. I love my husband and want to make my marriage work, we have a wonderful son who adores his daddy. I just don't know how long I can go on like this and I'm not sure if trust will ever fully return as there has been so many lies. Please write back.
Dede and Worried... you both should try al-non. It's a meeting for spouses and families of addictied loved ones. They will help you understand that you're husbands are not monsters nor can they help themselves. They have a disease. Check the yellow pages for meetings in your area.
You need support as much as they do.
You need support as much as they do.
Dede I'm sorry I took so long to get back here our computer is acting up and I have no control over it. I will be happy to talk to you if you still need someone to talk to about all of this It could be good for both of us. I just hope I can be of some assistance. if you are still interested leave me a message on this page. Again I am sooo sorry it has taken me so long.