Help...trileptol Vs Depakote

Does anyone the difference between the two?
They want my son to try these meds and I have no idea what they are, do, and side effects.
Thank you..
(oh, I never thought I would have to be saying sure hurts asa mom...mostly my pride.)
Depakote is a mood stabilizer..... They wanted to put me on it one time for being bipolar, but the people that I know who are on the drug sleep all the time and are almost like zombies when they take it......

But all of these medicines have different effects in children, so talk to your doctor about the side effects for him.
okay. they wanted my concent. I don't think depakote is the answer. I knew a guy who took that and he was so flatlined...that was no way to live.
I doubt my son will take anything, anyway. He is so adverse to meds after being exposed to add meds before.
Thanks, Danni.
Yeah, I don't know if I would put my child on a medication like that either...... It's a tough call and I guess if things were severe enough, I would....

But I see my nephew, who is 11 yrs old, and he's on about 5 or 6 different medications.... from a mood stabilizer, to Adderall, to Lexapro..... He gets suspended every week, starts fights, throws temper tantrums at school..... but is he on medicine because of this or does he do this because of the medicine?
Ok Kerry I got to put this out there....
Please do not give him any meds until he sees a child psychologist or a shrink that deals only with children that is number one......and only do meds as a last resort.
I really want to save him from being like Bad, who his parents let the family doc put him on thorazine at 10 because he was acting out in school. The smarter thing to do would have been to have him tested because he was really smart and bored by things......there was no challenge. This upsets me so and I see it as a f*ck up on his parents end......I have told them that too. They weren't happy but hey his grandmother told me about it all right before we got married......she felt I needed to know........A very smart woman she was, a nurse who knew full well what he was going through and pushed real hard for them not to give him that awful drug so young.

Love Yah,
Isn't depakote a seizure med? Anyway, follow your gut, Kerry. Kids have gotten along fine for a million years without being medicated. Teachers might just have to spend a little more time with him. Gee, what a concept.
