I have posted before with questions about my husband detoxing from methadone. He was taking 70 pills a day, yes 700mg. Most dr.'s are shocked. Anyways for the past 7 weeks he has been loweringYEAH! He now has been 4 days with nothing!! I know he went down very fast, but he was going crazy and figured he would just get it over with. But now he is climbing the walls and has a lot of calf & leg pain. My question is this: HOW MUCH LONGER???? We are going crazy and frustrated with all of it. One dr. told me he was at the peak and only has about 4 more days of this but another dr. said he has a month left and it will get much worse. I want to know from someone who knows not from a dr. who has never even touched drugs. What do you thinK? What should I do to help? Do you think we are almost there? How will survive doing this for a month?
That poor excuse for a doctor who said 4 more days is full of crap. Methadone has the longest w/d period. A month is accurate. I'd find a buprenorphine doctor and fast if I was you.
hi was his pills methadone? it depends what the pills were and how long he was on them. everyone and every body is also different. does a heating pad on his legs work at all to alleviate discomfort? sorry couldnt be of more help. good luck - let us know how you make out.
This coming from an ex- methadone abuser. My first 3 days of withdrawls were unreal, I was so sick I couldn't stop "jolting" and almost broke a headboard on my bed because all I could do was hold on to it and suffer. I saw things that were not there, I had delusions that I will not even speak of. Yes my muscles felt like rubber bands were inside snapping and my head felt like it was going to explode. This went on for about 72 hours, the 4th day I got somewhat of an' appetite back(chicken soup only) I still felt horrible.By monday (5 days later) I was still going through medium physicall withdrawls (headache, dihariea, mild cramping).By wensday (one week exactly) I still had mild physicall withdrawls, I started to see some light by friday and was able to sit on couch and have a conversation. The next 2 weeks I still had occasional physicall withdrawls but mostly bodyaches from the torture My body went through. I found it strange that I had reacouring symptoms 5 weeks after the first day(nausia, sneezing a lot) Just writing this reminds me of the horror of methadone withdrawls(I was taking 170-180 mg's a day).................................Hope this helps............Sand.
Hi there
Wow that is a lot of methadone. My advice is to TRY and find a detox center. I do know that a lot of them will not take meth patients because it is a long and hard detox. Does he have ANYTHING to help with the withdrawl? i honestly have no clue how he is doing it. I can't imagine. You two need to find different doctor because meth withdrawl is NOT four days. methadone literlaly stores itself in your fat cells so it is not like you just quit and in a few days you are okay.
What you need to do is get out the big book of yellow pages (or use the one online) and find an addictionologist. if you like, I could email you and help you. If you post your email I can help you try to find an addictionologist. I just went through oxy detox that isn't even an eighth of what your husband is taking and it was not fun, but not bad either cause they used a rapid meth wean.
As i said, the other poster was right. Meth is not gone in four days. I can't imagine how he is feeling. I am saying a prayer for him right now that he has less pain and can go to sleep for a little while. Did the doc give him the clonidine patch or valium? This really isn't something he should be doing at home. He needs an inpatient detox, plain and simple.
get on the horn tomorrow and call all over the place, call your local drug and alcohol agency (every county has one) and get ideas and leads from them. he may need to go to a meth clinic and get help there and taper down more slowly and safely. i wish you luck and I hope he is able to kick this habit although he has a long hard road ahead of him. :(
Wow that is a lot of methadone. My advice is to TRY and find a detox center. I do know that a lot of them will not take meth patients because it is a long and hard detox. Does he have ANYTHING to help with the withdrawl? i honestly have no clue how he is doing it. I can't imagine. You two need to find different doctor because meth withdrawl is NOT four days. methadone literlaly stores itself in your fat cells so it is not like you just quit and in a few days you are okay.
What you need to do is get out the big book of yellow pages (or use the one online) and find an addictionologist. if you like, I could email you and help you. If you post your email I can help you try to find an addictionologist. I just went through oxy detox that isn't even an eighth of what your husband is taking and it was not fun, but not bad either cause they used a rapid meth wean.
As i said, the other poster was right. Meth is not gone in four days. I can't imagine how he is feeling. I am saying a prayer for him right now that he has less pain and can go to sleep for a little while. Did the doc give him the clonidine patch or valium? This really isn't something he should be doing at home. He needs an inpatient detox, plain and simple.
get on the horn tomorrow and call all over the place, call your local drug and alcohol agency (every county has one) and get ideas and leads from them. he may need to go to a meth clinic and get help there and taper down more slowly and safely. i wish you luck and I hope he is able to kick this habit although he has a long hard road ahead of him. :(
Two more things that I forgot. I have read on a different forum that wrapping the spasm limbs in ace bandages helps IMMENSLY. Might want to try that. Also, make sure he is taking magnesium which can easily be depleted during withdrawl. Magnesium has a major muscle relaxing effect. But too much can give you the poops so you have to be careful. He needs something to help him. Cold turkey off of that much meth is just not going to work. Make sure he is taking a multivitamin as well because that could be some of the muscle cramping issue as I am sure he has not been eating or drinking well. I really wish you and he the best.