Help With The Holistic Approaches.

Basically based on what I read in the nutrition section of holistic approaches, I would be greatly benefited from taking D-Phenylalanine, DL-Phenylalanine, L-Phenylalanine or L-Tyrosine. Can anyone help me in practical application. What are they called on the shelf? Where can I get them? Anymore info on them would also be appreciated.
Thats exactly what they're called on the shelf. Places like vitamin world will have them, also gnc has an amino acid multi that contains those, I remember taking it when I first detoxed and it seemed to help.
Josh, if you want a totally natural pill with everything in it, I used these in the beginning...Specifically designed for w/d. Call and ask them the best one for you. Then you dont have to take all those pills, just two. lol
Write down both names because some places only put the one name on the bottle.

For example( L-phynalanine L-tyrosine)
Take them with a multi-vitamin .......... I take them and it has really helped
Wiverson, I was gonna order that stuff but I started to feel better so I didnt bother. Did it help you feel better quicker?

DLPA--thats whats on my bottle--- helps your body fight pain naturally again
There is a supplement called Juice Plus. There are 3 kinds, veggie, fruit and berries. They take the foods and run them through a juicer. They allow the water to seperate out. They take what is remaining and freeze dry it and put it in a capsule. If you use all 3 it is like consuming 25 different healthy foods. You get almost every possible vitamin, mineral, amino acid, etc. If anyone is interested I think the website is If that's wrong, then google it to learn more. Not available in stores, but you can order it online. An apple alone has over 40,000 different photonutrients in it. If you take all 3 imagine how well your body will be nourished. I am taking them and I believe it is all that is keeping me going. All I eat is yougert and candy and I feel good.