
Hey...I am sorry, but I need to know step by step how to reach the Moderators.

Once when I was banned, LOL, sorry, but oh so true...I contacted them through the contact us site, and never heard a word. Then a month or so later, I found another link, cannot remember it now...and when I did hear a reply they said they rarely check the other one and that is why my emails were overlooked.

Since then, I have changed email addresses, and cannot access those old emails with that, I have lost the address.

Any help appreciated.

You were banned???!!!! No, say it isn't so....LOL

Just go to "contact us" at the top of the page, then click on the highlighted "tell us" that's in blue. From there you enter your info and email. That's how I get ahold of them. Although they don't always write right back, they do usually answer. xxoo

Oh, and by the way? Waking me up at 6:45 this morning was really mean!
I'm sorry I woke you up...but only half as guilty as I would have been if I had called at 5:45! LOL.

I just thanked you on another thread...for following up on MJ and following through by speaking to her daughter. Lisa, I am sure you brought that child some peace too.

I am really glad that she is moving towards a solution...and I am so grateful to you for being the only person who could cut through the frustration, chaos, fear and loathing with enough clarity to keep on point. Your lack of distraction in all of this, lack of getting sucked into the "crazy making" of it may help save her life. I know it will have a profound effect on her daughters...if she follows through, gets the bed, gets the 28 days.

This just feels right, and I have to give it to you Madame.

Good on you...good on MJ. I hope there are better days ahead.

Love you.

She had to want it. I remember being right where she is now. Creating drama and chaos in my life so that no one would look to closely at the real me. I was terrified of leaving my chlidren, but in reality, it was an excuse because I was really terrified of not being able to use anymore. The gig was up.

Rehab was the start to my road to recovery...I was so safe there and I know that MJ is going to feel the same. She'll come to love the people in her groups and the professionals who are there to help and guide her. I just hope that it's a 30 day or longer program and then the follow through after that.

If you had called at 5:45, I wouldn't have answered, I would have been comotosed. lol You're forgiven though, I love your voice!

You didn't know Sarah was banned? She's in the "banned bad girls club", with me of course. LOL Come on, get with it!

Damn I'm like a freakin saint. I've never been banned. <BEG>
Damn I'm like a freakin saint. I've never been banned. <BEG>

I don't know about the saint part but a long time ago, you were my how sick was I? They told me to keep coming back, so I did...LMAO

You've never been banned because you're too sweet....Glad you're okay though, even if you are in the dark...LOL
Too funny Kat! I have never been banned myself...maybe it's time to start?<BEG>
It was said, tongue in cheek I knew she'd been banned, just giving her a hard time. Now, myself, I've never been banned. If I have been, I didn't know about I know there has been a time or two, where I certainly deserved it.
Let's all fight and see how far we can go before we get banned. I remember when there were rumors that Lisa was a mod cuz she never got banned. <BEG>

Edit: I really have to change that cat tomorrow. It's even scaring me.
LMAO...that's right...Cowmod.
I seem to be able to reach the mods at will.

Just open my mouth
LMAO...they have a special place in thier hearts for you Jeffy.
OMG, Jeff....You are so funny!!

I don't know how many times I've been banned... because of JEFFREY!!!
LMAO @ Jeff and Stacey! Leave it to Jeff to provide the comic relief! I love it!
YGM with my #...

Your cat is SICK...look at how angry that cat looks...Is it possible to change it to something kind & compassionate?


Oh, and Lisa is a MOD, guarantee'd.... watch your mouths.
Bite me, Lisa...Ban me, if you wish....See, then I'll have done something that Miss Katbird hasn't yet done....Banned...

You're my hero today, girl...Way to go reminding me how it's done...

Have a great evening, my Mod friend...LOL

Take care,