
can someone please tell me the signs of heroin abuse?or where I can find out? I suspect my daughter
dear cher
my heart dropped when i saw your message i hope this can help,
there are many signs look out for the person looking/acting drowsy, lack of interest in family freinds, saying things like we dont have anything in common any more, money/electrical goods going missing from the home asking for money and getting irrationaly upset when told they cant have it,lack of cleanlyness,dont like the feel of water on their body, different crowd of friends,going out at odd times , telling stupid or obvious lies to get away or shut you up or stop you asking difficult questions look out for them starting their withdrawal usualy about 18 hours after the last hit, this will include runny nose lots of yawning, teary eyes, sneezing uncontrolably, hot/sweaty then 30 secs later complaining of cold,irrational behaviour. i hope this helps, if you need any more help just ask
hi i hope your wrong but money money money heroin is expensive at first its 10.00 then 20 but look for a patern ofter a couple of months or so after they use up all there resourses itll be 20 or 30 or more every 2nd or third day check your checking accounts credit cards son is an addict and im here for advice too herioin has my life a living hell for three years now good luck
DID anyone see the Dr Phil show about the herion addict that went to treament in Texas???

There are many ways you can tell but the most effective way that i found was the lies. When i first suspected my bf being a user, i checked his bin. There lying in the bin was my answer, the foil, the ballon, everything.

You can check her mobile too, see if there are numbers that you are suspecious of and write them down. Take a note of how many times she is calling them and the times. If they are odd hours then you should really keep an eye on them.

all the best ..
you can also tell by the smell,it is a fishy/bacon smell,my bf's give away was sometimes he would have a brown bit on his teeth,i so hope ur daughter isnt doing cause like so many on this site im going through it all too with my partner.Good luck
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, I'll pray for her. She does not want to get involved in heroin use EVER. My boyfriend is addicted, unfortunately his dad does it with him. My boyfriend is 17 years old. He's been doing it steady now for about a year and a half. I can give you every symptom that I can think of that I see everyday with him. First, look at her eyes. If the pupils are pin pointed and glassy and she seems to nod off there's a good sign she's on something. She will be moody, easily irritable if she doesn't have it. She may be in the bathroom a lot, either vomiting or having diareaha. Also, if she was on it her mouth will get really dry and sticky and she'll be drinking a lot. She will lose weight, I've had so many people comment on how much weight my boyfriend's lost. Lack of motivation to do anything, unless it involves getting high. She will spend any and all money she gets and will turn to selling personal possesions if she has no money. My boyfriend stole my check book and wrote about 5 checks out for cash. So I wouldn't leave any money, checks, credit cards, basically anything with value, HIDE THEM. He's traded some of his and my possessions for it. His friends are addicted too. You may find "tooters"which they use to snort it. They are pens cut in half with the ink removed, you may even find empty bags laying around. They're little bags, made out of wax or foil. The wax ones may have a symbol on them. I found about 200 empty bags in my boyfriends closet, he had stuffed them in the front pocket of his flannel shirt. My boyfriend gets really affectionate also when he's high. He'll be talkactive and in a really good mood. These are the one's that I can think of. Hope it helps.
Signs of heoin abuse: a person is usually trying to avoid spending time with his/her family, wears long sleeved shirts or sweaters, usually very visible mood swings: one hour very excited then melancholic and sad, anxious, nervous, also it is possible to say when the person is high by their pupils, if they are needle points that don't enlarge or react to light or dark and just stay small, then something is wrong. A normal person's pupils will change according to light, dark, they change because the person is alive, not sedated. Always needs money, makes up reasons to get more money, comes home and goes straight to sleep, dark circles under eyes. Hope this will help and hope she is not using, but if she is, get her help right away-good luck.