
Hi...I'm new and struggling really bad.May not sound like much, but it's been 11 hours since I took pills.I normally take handfulls every 20 for me this is an eternity! I am sad though and very isolated because I suffer from chronic illness that keeps me stuck in my house most of the time.
Goin to try to sleep a little and check back in in the morning.
I just really need to connect with anyone.Any words at all would be greatly appreciated.I've been through recovery I know the lingo! However...none of that is mattering right now.I'm just an addict.An addict who needs you.
Bless you all.

You came to the right place. Whether you have 11 hours, 11 days, or 11 weeks it's a big deal. It means you're trying. If you can hang in there for a few days it will get better. If you don't mind me asking what have you been taking? and for how long? You say you've been through this before so you know what to expect. Your mind is going to try hard to trick you into believing that you cant' do it and you should go ahead and give in. Don't do it! In a few days you're mind will start to clear up a bit and then you might start to be happy that you hung in there. Can you get to an N/A meeting? That will help tremendously. If you've done this before then you probably know the little things you can do to help ease the w/d feelings even a little bit. Drinking lots of water is the best thing you can do, IMO. I will pray for you as I do everyone on this board everyday. Stick around and there will be many people along to help, probably more in the morning. Good luck!

hello,yes im rite next to you ,been clean for 5 days than 14 not clean ,and yes aloneness is very hard ,do you have a plan ,ive been here 4 years ,and still havent leraned ,remember ,the dopamien in your brain is low ,so mood and depression hit hard ,not hugry ,cant sleep cravings ,there will be more people here to help ,,look up dopamies,mispelled ,and read .ok poopie sorry for you saddness sweety,p